☆the gif is seros reaction to what Roki said. Lol☆

"Who was that moaning in your room isn't Mina asexual?"

Sero pov

He said it so calmly as if it wasn't an awkward questions at all. "W-what do you mean? No one was in here but me?." I say trying to not sound suspicious. "Oh..so you fucked yourself?" He says calmly still. Does he not know how awkward his questions are right now?! "I..no! What the fuck, Roki!?" I stand up facing him with a mad yet confused face. "Well I just thought you were cheating on Mina..I wanted to make sure you weren't." He says staring at me. "Why the fuck would I do that that's fucked up!" I say, I know it's wrong and everytime someone mentions it I feel extremely guilty, but I'm not a bad person..Right..?

"Oh. Ok well ima head to Iidas room to do some homework. See ya at school tomorrow, Sero." He said as he walks out. I fall to the floor and lean against my bed. I'm a terrible person..Mina deserves better than me..why the fuck am I cheating on her! I sit there on the floor as I ball my eyes out. "Why..the..fuck..am I such a..shitty..person." I whispered in between sobs. "Oi! Tapeface?! You good?." Bakugo says as he opened my door. "Y-yeah I'm..fine." I say as I sniff and wipe my tears away. "Clearly your not. He slams the door and walks to me and sits on my bed. "I'm a terrible person!" I sob and sit down beside him. "Let me guess..you cheated again.." he said as he crossed his arms and stands up. "Y-yeah..but I..I don't mean to I just...I..I love both of..them" I say with sniffs in between some of the words.

"That doesn't condon cheating tapeface!.." Bakugo yells. "I..Im..s..sorry..ok?!" I start sobbing again as I shout back at him standing up once more. He sighed and walked over to me and gave me a hug. "Better listen cause I'm not saying it twice, I won't tell Mina you cheated, BUT you do need to break it up with on of them. You can't keep this up. You'll bring yourself and others down.." he says softly but still mean enough for me to know he was pissed at me. "I'll give you a month to decide who you'd rather be with Alright?! If you don't decide and break up with one of them in that amount of time then I'm telling Mina, aight?!" He yells as he steps back and points a finger in my face and puts his other hand on his hip, as if he was my mother scolding me. "Alright..thanks man.." I say as I wipe my tears away for good this time.

I grab my phone to check it. Before heading to bed for the night.

3 Unread messages from 🩷baby👽

Hey babe! I wanna cuddle
and watch a movie with
You! I'm coming over now!♡♡

Babe? Hellooo? Ok well
I'm omw cya soon♡

In the elevator going to
Your Dorm now♡

Oh! Ok! Cya♡

Guess im watching a movie before bed with Mina. I also had messages from Kami and Kirishima.

4 Unread messages from Denks⚡️

Hey! Um..I was just Wondering
um..what Am I to you?
Am I like Your 'sex thing'
or was This just a one night

Sorry! That's a weird question
Um..if your free tomorrow night
My parents aren't home bc of a
Business trip if you wanna fuck me
Again lmao

You were really good tho~ hoping
I get to be with you again~

Fuck! Kiri saw be blushing at
My phone- good thing he didn't
Read my messages lol I have cat
Like reflexes 😺♡

I'll reply to everything
in one message rq ok so
#1 no I didn't mean for a
One night stand and I wouldn't
Say 'sex thing' but I do want to
Stay with you and do stuff like that
Since I can't with Mina.
#2 its not a weird question and
Sure I'll be there tomorrow how
About I come over at 9?
#3 thx~ you were good yourself~
And yes you'll get more of me
Don't worry~
#4 Fuck! Thank goodness for your
Cat Like reflexes, bc he would
definitely tell Mina😅

4 Unread messages from Kiri🔴🦈

Hey! Do you know who
Kami is texting? He's blushing alot

Speaking of which he's been
Sneaking off alot, yknow where
He goes?

Come to think of it both, you
and Kami We're both in
the bathroom for quit
some time yesterday....
Sero be truthful...

Are you cheating on Mina with him?

~Cheater~ (Discontinued For Now)Where stories live. Discover now