My one true love called me a monster...

Kiri pov

I..I am a monster..I ran to my room and slammed the door shut, leaned up against it and started crying. All I wanted was him to love me..and now..he fucking hates me. I started punching myself in the face as hard as I could till I got a text from Bakugo.


What the fuck happened, man?!

Holy shit! Bakubro!
Is Sero ok?! I'm so sorry
I did not mean to do that
I don't know what happened
I couldn't control my body!!
Is Denki ok? I was trying to
Save him!

Wtf are you on? Denki was
The one that kissed him
Did you think Sero was
Forcing him to kiss him?!

Yeah..Shit I feel terrible!!

You should! He's fucking
Passed out in recovery girls office
Rn dipshit!

Fuck! I should apologize
Weres Denki?

Fuck if ik just apologize
When we go back to school
Monday I'm sure he'll forgive you
He already feels guilty about everything
Even calling you a monster.

Alright..sorry man
I didn't mean to get you all
Caught up in this.

Whatever gn dipshit.🖕🏻

💥Bakubro💥 is offline

I then got up off the floor infront of my door and went to the bathroom to wash my face off. Since I was punching myself before bakubro texted me, I had a nose bleed that I needed to clean up. I then went to my bed and laid down and tried to go to sleep. I laid there looking at the ceiling for what felt like 10 minutes till I checked the time to see it was 2am, I watched some TV and finally fell asleep. When I woke up I remembered what happened yesterday. Why did I do that? Why did I hurt Sero..? He's one of my best friends.. I broke the Bakusquad apart..they all probably hate me. These thoughts filled my head as I got up and went to the bathroom. I feel so bad for Mina, although normally she's all over drama and gossip, she has no clue what's happening. Her boyfriend is cheating on her with one of her friends, and her best friend just beat up her boyfriend. I'm surprised people didn't start gossiping about the fight, normally word would get around pretty fast. It could be because it was in the bathroom and no one else was in there at the time. I constantly kept thinking about the fight as I got on Spotify and starting playing music as I got in the shower.

After my shower I decided to go grocery shopping for the Dorms. I looked over and saw the hair dye stuff while I was looking for pads and tampons for the girls. I'm running low on hair dye I should get some, I thought as I started walking over to the red hair dye. Out the corner of my eyes I saw someone walk up and stand beside me looking at the black hair dye. I look up to see a familiar face. He looks like that Dabi villain that kidnapped Bakugo, I nervously starting thinking of what to do. Do I just ignore him? Do I call the police? Do I talk to him? Should I confront him and try to capture him myself? I then look away from the red hair dye I was staring at and look back at where he was. He's gone?. I quickly put the hair dye in my basket and continue looking for the Pads and Tampons for the girls. Hopefully he doesn't follow me back to UA.

Dabi pov

Hopefully he didn't recognize me and starts following me back to the Leagues hideout..

Kiri pov

I don't think he recognized me but still, Scary. I run back to the dorms and put the groceries away and gave the period stuff to Mina. I then plopped down on the common room couch and started watching TV. "Hey dumbass whatcha watching?" Bakugo pops up and says from behind me. "Oh um..Im just watching #Alive on Netflix." I look at him and say as I pause the movie so I don't miss anything. "What's it about?" He asks, "oh! It's a Zombie Apocalypse Movie! It's pretty intense, Wanna watch it with me?" I reply. "Sure whatever loser. Don't you dare cuddle me when you get scared dumbass!!" He yells before falling back onto the couch. "Whatever bakubro-" I mumble before resuming the movie. I only watched a few seconds of it before he got here so I didn't rewind it any.

Halfway through the movie we had atleast half the class here, Midoriya, Uraraka, Todoroki, Iida, Mina, Jiro and Momo, I don't know where Denks was usually he comes downstairs for a snack at this time, I hope he forgives me. I feel really bad for beating up Sero, I didn't mean to, my Jealousy just took control of me. Right when I started worrying about Denki he come out the elevator and came into the common room. "Hey Denks!" I stand up and walk over to him. He ignored me and started walking faster away when he saw me coming towards him. I really fucked up..he hates me now. Shit. I gotta go explain to him..

"Denki please let me explain!" I said following behind him. "No. You had no right hurting him!.." he yelled clearly very pissed at me. "Please..I..I didn't mean to I just.." I stuttered feeling tears start to fill my eyes as I continued to stare at the ground.

"I love you.."

♡Words: 974♡

Sorry for this one being so short I'm having slight writers block recently :,)

☆Also from now on I'm going to be updating once every month or two! I'm sorry but I've been really busy recently!! But I'll work on it as much as possible!♡

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