Chapter 13

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"Agent Underscore is in position. Go!" NotFounf states. Disobeying the committee and his family's orders.

"You sure we can do this?" Agent Beloved hesitates.

"I don't know. But I do know that this is for everything. And surrendering isn't an option." NotFound states.

"Agent NotFound, Agent Beloved. Wait and be Quiet. They're talking about something important." Agent Underscore whispers.

- - -
"Their agency committee is really putting agents in missions that aren't suited with them. Really? Deploying Agent Soot and Agent Blade without Agent Minecraft? How stupid of them." Halo states.

"Indeed." Dream replies.

"May I suggest we cipher a plan to eliminate them?" Halo suggested.

"We could. But for safety. Please bring your friend, Skeppy, along with you at all times. And also bodyguards. You won't know when they'll strike again." Dream suggests as well.

Silence filled the room. Until Halo's phone lit up showing a call from one of his business partners. "Another time, Dream." He states and leaves.


"Tommy." Dream states.

Tommy's senses hitched. Dream only uses that tone when he's mad, and it's usually to employees or specifically his soldiers.

"Yes, Dream?" Tommy asked quietly.

"Come here." Dream demands.

Tommy didn't hesitate. He didn't want to anger Dream more than he already is.

"Don't butt into conversations like that, I know what you said was important and necessary, but please can you politely interrupt us instead of doing it inpolitely?" Dream states slightly worrily.

"Sorry. I just said what came to mind. I didn't think of interrupting you both politely." Tommy apologizes.

"It's okay. Make sure you do next time. We are talking to a very wealthy man we cannot lose. He might be my friend but he is a very busy man. So you understand right?" Dream assures.

"Yeah..." Tommy replies.

"Why are you all such busy people." Tommy muttered.

"What was that?" Dream asks.

"Nothing." He states.

"Tommy. I do not like liars. Now repeat what you said, but out loud." Dream states slightly getting angry.

"I said, "Why are you all such a busy people?"" Tommy replies. Making his irritatedness into a question.

"We are busy people. Because... You know? We're successful and want to keep being that. So our work never stops, making us always occupied with it. You'll go through this when I let you manage a fraction of this organization." Dream replies kindly.

Tommy made a convincing look of interest.

"Go on then. Do whatever, you're dismissed." Dream smiles and leaves the room.

Tommy follows.

- - -

"So our suspicions are correct. Halo does have a connection with Dream." NotFound muttered.

"Fraction of this organization? Why would Tommy get- Unless.." Underscore realized.

"Unless he and Dream have some sort of relation" Beloved finished.

"But how?" Underscore questioned.

"Maybe they bonded during the times he 'manipulated' him?" Beloved suggested.

'It doesn't seem like that's what actually happened. We need to know. How it happened. Why it happened.' NotFound thought.

"Any ideas NotFound?" Beloved asked.

"Nope. I don't have any idea on why and how. Which is why we're here. To discover the truth." He responded.

After a few more glances. The alarms started blaring.

"We weren't even doing anything!" Underscore shouts but only heard by NotFound and Beloved.

"Guess they upgraded their security system after all..." Beloved trailed.

"Hello... Old friend..."


Old friend?

Who could that be?

Who said that?

What do they mean?

Why are they doing this?

Why did they just upgrade their security system now of all times?

And when will I stop asking questions?

Answers might come in the next chapters. It might not. Who knows really?

Stay tuned!

And this is your Author, E11a_N1c3, wishing you all an amazing day!

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