★: Remember.

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Practically two months had passed, the vacation that our main group went on ended a long time ago. Some people who didn't go on said vacation went on their own.
To Rikki's dismay, the ONE person who she didn't want to come back, eventually did.

As everyone was simply chilling in the living room, the someone mentioned before had walked through the door.

Rikki scoffed at the sight of her, some people stayed where they were and greeted her, some walked up and gave her a hug. Rikki only turned away.

"It's been so boring recently.." -Ronnie

"Maybe later we could like, do something?" -Ani

"Why can't we do it now?" -Odie

"Because games in the A.M are boring as fuck!" -Jeff

"Yeah, let's just wait until like..6, maybe?" -EJ

"What are we even gonna do?"  -Jayde

"We'll decide that when the time comes! See you guys later..I have to unpack." -Ani

"I'll help you." -EJ

Those two left the living room, just hearing Ani's voice made Rikki enraged, but she was dozing off anyways..so the anger didn't matter. Without even realizing it, he fell alseep on the couch.

Yet after what felt like a few minutes, though it was actually longer, Rikki was awaken by being thrown off of the couch.


"We needed the couch clear. People need to sit down, drama queen." -Helen

"Why do you THINK we threw you off?" -Odie

"Could you not have just WAKEN ME UP." -Rikki

"Quit fucking yelling at me!" -Odie

"I'm not yelling at you..I'm yelling at your BITCH-BOY BOYFRIEND." -Rikki

"Oh IM the bitch?" -Helen

"Yeah...? Just said that." -Rikki

"You know at least I never fucked Jeff the killer." -Helen


"AT LEAST I DID-" -Helen

Helen was quickly cut off by EJ covering his mouth and pushing him to the side.

"Anyways..What do you guys wanna do?" -Ani

"Truth or dare, maybe?" -Jane

Everyone collectively agreed, sitting near each other around the room.

"Alright..who wants to start?" -Nina

With that, the game started. Some dares were more serious then others, some truths revealed some embarrassing secrets. But one truth really drove the game..out of the game.

"Rikki, truth or dare?" -Jayde

"Trrruuutthh..?" -Rikki

"Okay, if given the opportunity, who in this room would you torture?" -Jayde

"That's such an. odd fucking quest-..I've asked worse..uhm...probably...Anastasia." -Rikki

She had almost no remorse in her response, it seemed like she'd be able to tell what she wanted to do in complete detail too. He was more focused on examining herself in her mirror.

"What? ME? Why me, what did I ever do to YOU?" Ani blurted out, she didn't seem THAT shocked, but..she still wanted a response.

"That's a list." -Rikki

"Let's not..fight." -Jane

"No, please do fight! I wanna see a blood bath." -Jeff

Rikki didn't listen to anyone, still focused on herself.

"HEY. Beauty queen, can you give me that list at least?" -Ani

"Sorry! Lied, doesn't exist." -Rikki

Through the coner of her mirror, she saw Ani get up.

"Can you at least give me ONE thing I've done to you?" -Ani

"Uhh..You're a cunt, Ms. Morozov." -Rikki.

Ani was fed up, she wasn't getting the answer she wanted. And considering what she knew about Rikki..she wasn't gonna get it.
Ani took a deep breath and simply said whatever, she didn't have time for Rikki's bullshit.

"What, is there a problem, 'stasia?" Rikki teased, finally taking a look away from her mirror and turning around to look at Ani, who was behind her.

"YOU'RE my problem. You've ALWAYS been my problem, Roxanne."

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