So close in that moment

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My mind was still processing the fact that he called me pretty when he grabbed my hand and dragged me up off my stool. We went into the living room and lay out on the couch. My head was resting on his chest as I curled up against him like we used to. Travis sighed contentedly and wrapped his arms around me. I felt secure, and safe. I didn’t want it to end. Suddenly music blasted out of nowhere causing both of us to jump. A little pale blue light came from the TV that was playing a Sirius radio channel that had just mysteriously turned on. I started thinking and suddenly the most obvious realization popped into my head. I looked up at Travis and gave him a look and slid my hand underneath him and pulled out a remote. I gave him another look, gave him the remote and we went back to the way we were.  We cuddled up together not saying a word, listening to the music.

Then the song changed to one I knew well. My smile turned into a grin the moment I heard the beginning of it. I turned my head to meet Travis’s gaze and whispered,” This is my favorite song.” He smiled and said,” Then it’s the perfect song to dance to. Will you dance with me?” Speechless with shock and utter joy I nodded, unable to say anything. He gently took hold of my hand and pulled me out to the center of the living room. We wrapped our arms around each other. We held each other so close that in that moment, I believed nothing could ever separate us. We swayed to the music.

I felt his warm breath against my ear as he leaned in and whispered,” I missed you more than you would ever know. I missed that smirk on your face whenever you say something cheeky. I missed seeing your blue eyes gazing into mine. I missed how you would always flip your blonde hair out of your eyes constantly. I missed hearing your outrageous yet adorable giggle you only do when someone tickles you. I missed hearing your voice. I missed seeing your face. I missed you. Everything about you. I love you more than any word can say. I love you more than every action I take. I'll be right here loving you till the end.” I looked at him, a couple tears sliding down my face. I struggled to swallow down the sobs as we continued to dance. I couldn’t hold it back any longer and I let it out in a torrent of tears and mascara. Instead of letting me go he held me tighter.

 In between sobs I managed to say, “Travis I missed you too. I missed having that person who would actually listen to what I had to say. I missed having someone around that was always there for me no matter what I missed seeing your grin. I missed messing with you. I missed the feeling of your arms around me. I missed my best friend. I missed you more than YOU realized. I love you too and I always have and always will.” We held on to each other for a long time. Finally we separated and went back to the couch. Travis put in How the Grinch Stole Christmas and we curled up on the couch to watch my favorite Christmas movie. Slowly throughout the whole movie I could feel my eyelids drooping lower and lower. I tried to fight the sleepiness off but eventually my eyelids shut fully and I fell asleep with Travis curled up next to me stroking my hair.

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