Ruining his chance to have children :P

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“Jacie wake up” JACIEEEEEE. Sweetie wake up” I groan and close my eye. “Jacie wake up.” I tried to ignore it but I was about to lose it. Then someone started poking my side and I had enough. I swung my fist and it hit something soft. I heard a soft high pitched sound and then a thud. My eyes snapped open and saw Travis slumped on the ground groaning. I quickly get up and reach his side. He looks up at me with tears of pain in his eyes and said,” You punched me in the nuts.” I automatically burst out laughing. Between gasps I asked if he was okay. He nodded mumbling about how I just ruined his chance of having children. Once he finally recovered we curled up on the couch again and just talked. Mostly I did the talking while he listened. I told him just about everything that happened in my life since I saw him last year. He listened to me ramble on and on. When I was done all he did was say, “I wish I was with you.” I smiled up at him. We stayed that way for a long time. Just talking about things. We were both about to drift off when my dad came in and said we had to go.

I didn’t want this night to end but it was going to, whether I liked it or not. Travis was standing beside me looking as devastated as I felt. I didn’t want to leave. I wanted to stay with Travis and I didn’t know when I would be able to see him before he leaves. We looked at each other and both of our eyes tearing up. We ran into each other’s arms and hugged each other tight. I didn’t want to let go. Finally we separated and he gave me a kiss on the cheek. My dad dragged me out the door to the truck. As we were driving away, tears blurring my vision, I saw Travis standing by the window watching us drive away.

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