COOTIES!?! Eeeewwwwww

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My eyes flutter opened and all I saw was a deep vast of blue above me. I rolled over and felt the green grass tickled my face. Next to me was my best friend in the entire world. He was 10 and I was 5. He was lying next to me, sprawled out onto the grass. Travis was my only friend and all I ever needed or wanted. I crawled on top of him and jumped on his stomach. He made a shrill squeaking sound and grinned evilly back. He threw me off and pinned me down. Now instead of grinning up at me he was grinning down on me. He grin turned into a smirk as he leaned down and kissed my fore head gently. I squeal and slipped out of his grip.

 I sped away screaming,” EWWWWWWWW COOTIES!!! EWWWWW!” I could hear him laughing as he ran after me. I started running out of air so I stopped. I could hear him behind me, gaining in on me. Just as I felt him behind me, I moved quickly to the right. I realized I was too late when his arms wrapped around me and refused to let go. I dug my teeth into his arm and he still refused to let go. He made a weird squeak sound as I bit harder but he refused to move.  I removed my teeth out of his arms and glared up at him. He grinned back at me and said, “I will let go only if you admit I don’t have cooties.” I stuck my tongue out at him and tried to escape again. I couldn’t budge. So I sighed and said,” You don’t have cooties Travie.” He smiled and let go of me. As I went to skip away, I heard him say, ‘Love you Jacie.” I turned around and met his gaze. I grabbed his hand and said, “I love you too Travie.” He squeezed my hand tightly.


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