~ Chapter Four ~

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Y/N dream
Running down the corridor of her childhood home, her father chased her holding a belt. "I'm sorry, Daddy!" She shouts while crying. Her father grabs her and throws her on the floor. Y/n's mother laughing while this happens. The belt comes towards her at full force....

Before the belt hits her, she wakes up screaming. Tears streamed down her face. She whimpers and gets out of bed shakily, and she puts on her robe and slippers. She walks out of her Chambers slowly. Walking down the dark hallway, she bumps into a figure, the impact makes her fall backwards while crying.

"Miss y/l/n?" A dark voice asks while helping her up gently. He lifts up his wand and says "Lumos". Light comes from his wand. Y/n looks up at the mysterious figure and sees that it's the one and only Severus Snape.

Y/n instantly starts to cry harder, she hugs Snape tightly while crying into his chest. This takes Severus by surprise but he wraps his strong cold arms around her. "Whats happened?" He asks calmly, worried about the girl in his arms. "Bad dream.." she sniffles. He nods and starts to walk her to the potions classroom. She looks slightly confused but follows. Using his spell, Snape opens a bookshelf and walks through it, holding y/n hand. Y/n looks around and sees that it's Snapes personal Chambers.

With a flick of Snapes wand, the fire place sets a light. The room is cosy but also dark. He sits y/n on the sofa infront of the fire. Wrapping a blanket around her in the process. "I'll make you tea" he states while disappearing into a different room.

Y/n curls up in the corner of the sofa, trying to calm down after her bad dream.. well memory. After a couple of minutes Snape walks back into the room with two cups of tea, he gently hands one to the girl on his sofa. "It's hot. Don't burn your tongue" he says emotionless. Y/n nods and holds the mug, warming her small cold hands up. She's very quiet, tears flowing freely down her face. She flinched as she feels a hand wiping her tears away. "Hey... its okay" Severus utters softly, looking into the girls eyes. His eyes dark but showing a bit of worry. "I'm fine.." she claims, definitely lying. "Now, I know that is not the truth." He scolds causing y/n to look down. He rubs her back softly but firmly.

Snape sits a little closer and wraps his right arm around her while holding his mug of tea in his left hand. "Tell me.. tell me what it was about" he comments using his serious yet calming slow velvety voice. Y/n takes a deep breath and starts to speak quietly, showing vulnerability. "It was a memory kind of.." she starts. Severus nods and holds her close. "I was in my childhood home.. my father was chasing me with a belt.. my mother laughing as he started to hit me.." her voice breaks. Anger fills Severus' eyes. He takes a deep breath "You're safe now" he comfortingly let's her know. She nods a tiny bit and rests her head on snapes shoulder. Not knowing why he's comforting her so well, but she allows it.. she likes it.

An hour went by. They both just sitting close on the sofa. Severus hears soft snores and he looks down at the beautiful girl. He thinks to himself 'you will never be hurt again..'

Snape picks her up and holds her close, he rests her down on his bed. Pulling the covers over her. He leaves a soft kiss on her forehead and walks into the living room, he lays on the sofa thinking about y/n.

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