~ chapter Five ~

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Waking up from a loud crash, y/n gasps and sits up. She hears a man cursing loudly. Y/n wraps a blanket around herself and goes to investigate. She sees Severus in the kitchen surrounded by a broken tray and broken plates with food everywhere on the floor.

"Are you okay..?" Y/n asks sleepily. Causing Snape to quickly look at her. "Good morning," he coldly greets her. "What happened?" She asks curiously while walking into the kitchen. Severus pushes her out. "Careful, you'll step on glass, you silly girl," he scolds. Y/n widens her eyes and nods. "Was you making food?" She asks, asking the obvious. He shoots her a look. "Obviously." He utters, with a flick of the wand every broken piece and the food has disappeared. Y/n just watches the man in front of her. "Lingering, are we..?" the man questions while raising his eyebrow. "Go back to bed," he orders, y/n nods and goes back to Snapes' bedroom. She gets back into bed a bit puzzled.

About an hour passed, and Snape walked into the bedroom with a tray of breakfast food. Y/n's face lights up at him. "Food. Eat, " he tells her while placing the tray on her lap. "Thank you, professor," she appreciates while starting to eat. Severus looks down at the curious girl on his bed. "Call me Severus," he declares calmly and walks out of the bedroom. Y/n sits there slightly shocked of what he just said to her, heat rising to her face, and she smiles. Continuing to eat, enjoying the food the man made for her.

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