Chapter 6: It was all downhill from there.

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-Now, picture this.
Sun shining, a blue sky, a perfect day.....It was all downhill from there.

From affar it could be heard thudding and crashing some trees down. It was all thanks to a big truck for vacation. Causing fear to the animals as they ran away and peak from the bushes.

Onceler was smiling as the truck went downhill fast and stop infront of his house.
(Y/n) doesnt have any problem with family reunions but this family reunion is the worst.

Then a door opened and one of the family members got out of the truck.
-What a dump- says the lady disgusted
-Hey, Aunt Grizelda!
Exclaimed the onceler happy at her.
Then the brothers of once, got out too and started to throw the bear like northamercian football. (I had to clarify because I am south american and football we know is the soccer for other countries)

-Oncie, is that you?
-there he is! There's my big, suddenly successful son!
The mother of onceler saw him and she instantly went to him holding his face as she kissed his cheek.

(Y/n) hated that woman and got a bit jealous she treat him good now that he will bring money to the family.
-Such a gold digger- she thought in her head as she growled irritated.

-We always knew you would make it, Oncie. Right?
She says growling the last part at his husband.
-Hey! I love this guy!
He said and hugged him.

(Y/n) was irritated but she rather receive the hate of onceler than make him chop down trees for that crazy lady.

-They really are lying
She says loud enough for all to listen as she had her arms crossed.

Onceler wasnt sure what to say as he is still trapped in the hug.
-But you always said I wouldn't amount to anything, remember?
He says to his mother but she shragged that off and smiled at him.

-Hush your mouth. I was just trying to motivate you!
She says.

-well your motivation seems more like tricking his mind.
(Y/n) said more angry to that lady. His mother got irritated so now the tension between them cuts the air in two. Onceler grew nervous to that answer. And he then let his father off the hug.

-Not the fact you clearly hurt him the most.
She added. Onceler was about to say that but (y/n) say it before.

-Why dont you hush and let us start working?! Now, Brett, Chett, set up the Rv and would you stop throwing that bear?!!
She yelled not only (y/n) also to the other two sons.

As they set all up, onceler and (y/n) were talking.
-You have to make them leave. Dont you see they are mean at you in first place?
She says to him.
-Just calm down, they are my family and they are going to work for me.
He answered not realizing what she says.
-But this is serious and a big problem. You are so blind.
She says and then the Lorax protested to the family of onceler.

-You got to go!- the lorax exclaimed. -I agree with him too- (y/n) Joined the lorax.

-So, who invited the giant, furry peanut?
Says the aunt
-And also this poor girl?
Said the mother with a disgusted expression.

-You are calling me poor?!
Said (y/n) to his mother.
-you are calling me peanut, Huh?
Answered the lorax.
-I'll go right up your nose.
He threat at the aunt as (Y/n) was pulling her sleeves up to fight too.

-Wait, you wouldnt hit a woman?
Said the onceler.
The lorax stopped mid track and (y/n) was about to laugh but cover her mouth.
-That's a woman?
He turned at him shocked that the aunt is a woman when she looks more like a man.

-He cant hit her but I will.
(Y/n) said with her clenched fists up.

-okay, everyone, cool it.
Said the onceler grabbing (y/n) to stop her and also the lorax. -Let's not get off on the wrong foot here.
He says and in the end he looked at (Y/n) and the lorax.
-Umm, family, this is my friend....- -Partner!-
He was interrupted by (y/n) as she looked offended.
-Haha yeah, my partner, (Y/n)
He introduce (y/n)

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