Chapter 7: How bad can this posible be?

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-Bad? I'm not bad. I am the good one here. I mean something good finally happens to me and (y/n) with the lorax come along and rain on my parade. What's their problem?
He explained with his guitar and the baby bird on top of it. He answered with a 'quack'

He play a bit the guitar and looked at the mirror. -Yeah, Bad! Right.

He left the house as he went outside to keep working with his family. Most of onceler changed from a day to another. He started to sell the first thneed and got enough money to change his clothes. To a long black hat, green gloves and long coat, with a golden clock with a golden chain, as he also is wearing blue sunglasses and a new guitar. He also gained people to work and build machines to chop down trees as his factory was build on that area. It was a huge factory with a big sign of his product.

He gathered more material for his thneed as it also expanded the contamination. Not only killing the trees but also, hurting the birds, staining the fishes with toxic liquids and trash, and the bears tired, coughing and with no food like fruits. The Lorax was doing an effort to stop him as fast as he could but the onceler didn't care at all.
During those weeks, (Y/n), wasnt no longer interested on saving the end of this. She felt disappointed and blaming herself of not stopping his plans before it was too late. She coughed a bit when she smelled a bit of smoke or ugly scents of that factory.

Now she is really doubting a lot of things, if she keeps staying this fantasy world ending on a bad destiny including onceler. Even if onceler was too focused on him, she kept trying to speak to someone who he should be stop, or she tried to get in the factory but was taken out of there by the guards.

She even encountered a few times with his mother and she really is mean. Last day, she went to the factory to talk to onceler since he ignored the lorax, the animals and melvin his friend. But she faced his mother since she is like his excecutive secretary.

-You should really give up on trying to talk to my son. As you can see he wont waste time on someone like you.

She says laughing and made the guards move (y/n) out ot the factory as she resisted and yelled at her. -You are such a worst person, just wait and see when he realize you manipulate him to have money!!

she says and was thrown out and the doors were closed.
Back to the present, she was on the town, lucky for her she found a place to stay till this is over and she is taken out of this world somehow or she will have to find a way to do it. She was lost in her thoughts as she was walking on the streets. There was too much advertising of the thneed like on magazines, news papers, tvs and radio. Even on the people since they were using it as a purse, hats, scarfs including umbrellas.

She sighed as she sat on a bench on a park as she looked up when she was feeling down, towards a huge crowd of people taking pictures with their cameras. She looked a bit more to see what was now, and noticed it was the limousine of onceler. It has an advertising too meaning its the president of the thneed Inc.

She saw his hat and part of his face but the crowd didnt let her see from where she was. She got up and was about to leave but bumped into someone as she fall on the ground.

she hissed a bit in pain and looked who was that person she bumped with. And lucky for her it was the Onceler.

-(Y/N)? Hi, what are you doing here? its been a while since we didnt see eachother when I started to be famous.

He says as he helped her up. On one hand, he sounded cheerful but It was an uncomfy situation because of the people who are taking pictures and are constantly asking questions to the onceler. She was trying to cover a bit her eyes as the flash was making her blind a bit. It seems they were asking why the onceler was with a girl and maybe on the news papaer will put:

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2023 ⏰

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