Jungkook Part 11

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"You better not

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"You better not." You warn as Jungkook flashes you a menacing smile.

You had just stepped out of the shower, attempting to get ready for the photoshoot that you promised Jungkook you'd accompany him to when Jungkook decided to corner you. With your towel still wrapped securely around your frame, you give him another pointed look as if saying, don't even try it.

It was bad enough that Jungkook had occupied most of your time in bed this morning, but he'd be really pushing it if he decided to pounce on you at this moment. Though, there's a small part you can't deny, you find his expression so alluring.

"We're supposed to hit the road to beat the traffic." You say with a huff, trying to recollect yourself.

Jungkook simply offers a shrug because you just know he wasn't really listening to you. He had a suggestive look flashing across his eyes, causing your stomach to spill over with excitement.

Taking a steadying breath, you try to push away the smile tugging at your lips, but the glint of recognition has your stern demeanor wavering.

"That's a lot of time." Jungkook muses as he takes a step closer, causing you to take a step back.

"No, it's not." You breathe out, rolling your eyes while doing so. "Wasn't this morning enough?" You ask incredulously.

He arches a brow at you, his gesture begging the question without having to say it out loud.

"You'll be late." You warn softly, the words holding no signs of a consequence to follow up as Jungkook places both of his hands on your hips.

He's peering down at you, a smirk tugging at his lips, as he steps closer to you. Your back is pressed against the countertop while Jungkook leans into you. Your breathing stutters as you try to regain control of your heart. It's been thundering in your chest at a rapid pace, bringing forth a blush to color your cheeks.

"We'll be quick." He says in a low tone.

Your response dies on the tip of your tongue as Jungkook pulls you in for a kiss. Your thoughts melt away like snow on a hot day as desire pools in your stomach.

"Kook..." You breathe out as he breaks away from your lips to kiss down the length of your neck. Each precious second passing by has you slowly succumbing to his touch.

"Just relax and enjoy this." Jungkook hums against your skin.

Your mind grows heady as he untucks your towel, letting it pool around your feet. An embarrassing squeal falls from your mouth as Jungkook hoists you on the countertop. A searing kiss silences you as his hands travel down the length of your body before settling between your thighs.

"We'll be late..." You warn, though you're not fully concerned about that.

"We'll blame traffic." He counters nonchalantly before dropping to his knees.

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