Wake Up!

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{Sorry for bad English this chapter, I was rushing and I have the flu.}

"Lala!" Star shouted. Cosmo jumped beside Star.

"I'll protect Fuwa, Prunce is with me! You get Lala!" Cosmo yelled and Star nodded. Star ran over to Lala and picked her up. She ran off with Lala as fast as she could, trying to get to the rocket. Once she had gotten there, she layed Lala on the ground and transformed back into her previous form. She had checked if Lala still had a pulse, and she did. She decided she'd take Lala to the nearest hospital.

"Lala, wake up please!" Hikaru said as she sat in the visitor seat of the hospital room. The doctor came in quietly.

"Hi there, is she going to be alright?" Hikaru asked with a frown on her face, silently thinking of all the memories they had together; and how hard it would be to lose her again.

"We're not sure when she's going to wake up, but it'll be less than a month. She's doing alright, but some more information would help with the treatment." The doctor stated. 

"I'm not exactly sure what made her collapse," she partially lied "but I think it was lightning or some sort of shock."

"In that case, she should be awake in a few hours to a day, since no long-term injuries were caused."

"I can work with that. I really need to get going, but is there anyway I can contact you to check how she's doing?"

"Of course. Just text this hospital and ask for the doctor in room 231."

"Thank you!" Hikaru ran off to the rocket. Everybody was there, as Yuni had informed them of what happened.

"We heard what happened. Is Lala going to be okay?" Elena asked.

"They said she'll wake up in a few hours."

"That's great!" Madoka stated.

"That creature is gone now, and I hope for good." Yuni spoke. Everybody laughed, but Hikaru couldn't find the happiness to. She was usually the person who tried to brighten everybody's mood, but now she needed that herself. Even though she knew Lala was going to be okay, it felt like a cloud came over her heart. Like she'd do anything for her; but she thought it was a platonic feeling. 

Once she got home, she couldn't stop thinking about Lala. She'd mistaken it for only worry. While she was somewhat right, it wasn't just worrying about her. She wasn't sure what it was, but it wasn't negative. Like anytime she spoke to Lala, her heartbeat sped up. She felt happy when Lala was happy, and hurt when Lala was hurt. She knew that feeling was empathy, but it was more than that. Like she wanted to only talk about Lala with her friends, and spend most of her time with Lala, and so much more. Suddenly, it sank in.


I Miss You {Lala x Hikaru} DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now