Chapter 1~~The Dark Princess

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I gazed my golden eyes around the school cafeteria and looked for Zach and Melanie. Normal students would have their usual lunch table at this school, but since Zach, Melanie, and I aren't very popular, we're stuck moving from one table to another.After looking past kids who gave me dirty looks--daring me to sit with them--I finally spotted my friends at the far end of the room and walked towards them, directing my eyes to the floor to avoid anyone tripping me like last time.

Zach's one of my bestfriends since we were kids. He had jet black hair and electric blue eyes. He was the first kid I talked to when my parents moved here in New York. Zach was also my one of my friends in school. Actually, my only friend aside from Melanie in school. Ever since I stepped foot in that place I've been labeled as a weirdo because of all the weird things that happened whenever I was around.

Melanie was my other best friend. She has dirty blonde hair and sea green eyes. I met her when Zach introduced me to her one summer. At first we were always awkward around each other, but then we realized that we had a lot in common after I told her about the weird things that happened around me. She and I had the same classes too and the three of us became the best of friends ever since.

Just then, I found myself staring at a pair of ocean blue Jimmy Choo heels and looked up to meet Jessica Whitney's piercing blue eyes, the same shade as her ostentatious shoes. I immediately regretted walking past their table. If there's one girl in this school who hates me more than anything, it's Jessica. She's like the most popular and snobby girl here, and I just can't seewhy guys like her. Is it maybe cause she's a blonde girl with blue eyes? Cause that soudns like a typical girl a guy would fall for. And maybe it's cause Jessica's mom is the school's superintendent while her dad is the Chief of Police.

"Hey Amber," Jessica said with a sickly sweet smile. "You need help carying your tray?"

"No thanks," I quickly said and walked around her. She caught my arm and swiftly took my tray from me.

"It's not polite to ignore a person who's talking to you. Especially if that person's me." Jessica said as she balanced my tray in her hand. I felt everyone's eyes bore through my body.

"Give my food back." I said, balling my fists.

"Ooooh, she can fight." She laughed and soon nearly the whole students in the cafetorium followed suit.

I felt Zach and Melanie stand next to me as I bored my eyes at Jessica angrily. All those times she's humiliated since Middle School boiled in me and I felt myself grow angrier at her as she smirked.

Just then, I felt a tugging sensation in my gut. Before I knew it, my tray slammed into her face and she stumbled back in her shoes and landed into a nearby trash bin. The room exploded into laughter and I staggered back, confused. I met my friends' eyes and I was more confused when their eyes--especially Zach's--seemed to spark with relief, as if they'd been waiting for this moment. To make things weirder, there was a loud explosion that echoed in the room and was followed by the fire alarm and the screeching of the students.

"Come on!" Zach's voice stood out amongst the chaos as he grabbed my hand and ran with Melanie. He pulled me towards the exit and I gasped as I saw what was waiting. There stood a woman and where her legs were supposed to be were replaced by two serpent-like tails. She was the kind of woman that exists in fairytale books--the evil witch or something--and not in a regular high school.

"Zack, we can't--" I pulled my friends back, hearing my voice shake as the woman smirked.

"Don't worry," he said and was able to pull me forward because of my shaking body.

"That thing's gonna eat--"

"Good job, Diane." Zach interrupted as we passed the beast. I turned and saw the beast bow before entering the chaotic cafetorium.

"Zach, what the hell's going on?!" I exclaimed and yanked my hand away. Why was he acting so weird?! Did he just talk to that monster as if they were buddies?!

"This is not the right time to talk. We need to go somewhere or they'll find us." Melanie said and looked around suspiciously.

"Who will?" Even Melanie's acting weird! What the hell?!

"Not now, Amber!" Zach said, annoyed. I growled and pulled his hand to a stop.

"Start talking." I hissed. I didn't know if I imagined it or not, but I thought I saw Zach's blue eyes spark--like literally. I glanced at Melanie nervously to see if I struck a nerve but she wouldn't meet me in the eye.

"Please," I whispered, shaking with fear as I glanced back at the cafetorium. The building was engulfed in flames and smoke, and even from the outside you could hear the shrill cries of the alarms and the students. Another shrill noise came echoing at the other end of the street, and we turned just as a firetruck came around the corner.

"Come on," Zach said and the three of us hopped in a nearby cab, leaving behind the life I had in pure chaos.


I stared at Melanie and Zach for a long time and said, "You're kidding, right?"

They had just told me that I was a daughter of a mythical creature that, as far as I knew, only existed in books. Zach shook his head as he sat next to me. He had closed the glass window between us and the driver earlier when we hopped in.

"We're serious," Melanie said, who sat next to Zach by the window. "The Greek Gods and Goddesses are real, and you're a demigod."

"A half human, half god?" I asked, still confused. Was this a joke? No way. I know Zach's always been a joker and Melanie was the serious one, so if Melanie was siding with Zach this must be real and not a hallucination.

Zach nodded and said, "Well, since your powers haven't fully developed yet, you're still a demigod. But when you turn 16, you'll be a full goddess."

"Full goddess?" I echoed, feeling weak. I had to be dreaming, but was told otherwise when Zach gently squeezed my hand. I couldn't believe what they just told me. They said that I was Kronos' only daughter---aka, the Dark Princess.

Oh joy.

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