Chapter Two

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"Mom, don't leave me... Mom!!" I keep shouting and running to her while she disappears in thin air, not leaving any trail behind. The darkness surrounded me once again, with me crying on my knees, begging to see her one more time. 

I could hear my father shout at me, calling me a monster, cursing at me, saying it was my fault that Mom died. Don't wanna hear it... Please! Please get me out of here. It was all I could think of as I drowned deeper in the cold water. Will I be happy if I die? These were my thoughts as I could feel myself getting out of breath, accepting that there was nothing left for me.

However, someone yanked me out, seizing me in a warm potent embrace. My visions remain half-close as I endeavor to get a glimpse. A blurry image, of his green eyes, caught my attention. And before I could force my eyes to open, a radiant beam of glow hit my face.

I wake up, finding myself sitting in this poky closet. A well-groomed man, in his late twenties, squatting in front of me. The same man I watched last night,  fucking the life out of my maid. The exact man who's my owner.

He held up my chin, catching me off guard, and bringing in me to glance into those eyes.
"What might be your business in my closet, sweetheart?" He asked, making my heart palmitate.

I look at him for a moment my lips stand apart and my mind tries to search for a valid explanation.

I look away, shutting my mouth and licking my bottom lips. Think of something... What were you-!
I look back, as a brilliant excuse that struck my senses, only to find his gaze lingering on my bottom lips while he bites his own.

My eyes widen for a beat and his eyes encounter mine. "I...I was playing Hide-N-Seek!" He tightens his gaze and my cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Hide-N-Seek? Fuck me!!

Before I could utter something else, the man leaned forward and gnaws on my cheek with his thumb brushing against my lips.

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