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Jeongin enters his dormitory sighing. It's time to talk to Hyunjin, it's useless to prolong this situation. The maknae had been feeling the anger inside for days, feeling alone, abandoned, betrayed, until he has spoken to Lee Know this morning.

«Hyung, I can't really understand him!» he had whimpered, his head still pounding with hangover. At least it was worth it, he stopped thinking about Chan for a few hours.

Minho watched him, worried.  I.N had always been a tough guy, one who didn't like to show his softer emotions so much. Minho felt similar to him, in a way. And in the last weeks the only two people the maknae had managed to open up with - Chan and Hyunjin - had turned away from him. 

«I think he fell in love, I.N» Minho said, finishing bringing the dishes for breakfast to the table. The house was silent, Han was still asleep but Minho had set the table for him anyway.

«Love sucks!» Jeongin snapped, starting to eat. He was still angry. Despite all the kdramas, movies, anime he had seen, Jeongin couldn't understand how love could make Hyunjin forget his best friend - aka, him.

«Probably.» Minho had smiled.

Jeongin looked up from his plate, observing his friend, who seemed lost in thought. He wasn't thinking about Hyunjin anymore, was he?

«But it's wonderful too» the older added, with a soft look.

Jeongin was shocked, he had never seen his hyung like that. And he knew it immediately: Lee Know was in love too.

And, for some reason, that didn't make I.N cringe like he would have thought or like it had happened with Hyunjin and Seungmin.

Seeing Minho with that silly smirk on his face and those beady eyes softened him instead. 

«Have you ever been in love, hyung?» the younger asked then, scanning the other's face.

He already knew the answer, it was so obvious, but he wanted to see if Minho, the cold and independent Minho, would admit his feelings. 

Minho pursed his lips and just nodded.

«And, believe me» he added, «I didn't think it would fuck with my brain so much.» he said, hoping this would lead Jeongin to forgive his blond and tall friend. 

And, to be honest, it worked.

Jeongin was envious of the head-in-the-clouds state Hyunjin and now Minho had lately. He had always been so rational and mature that he was envious of those who, taken by passion, forgot about the rest of the world.

And for Hyunjin, I.N had also joined the "rest of the world." It was just him and Seungmin now.

But if Jeongin really loved him, he must be happy for him, right? Isn't that what friends do?

«You know he will find a new place in his world for you, don't you?»  Minho said, as he could read his mind.

Jeongin smiled and nodded.

It was true, he was sure of it. Hyunjin would never stop loving him.

As the maknae closes the door, behind him he hears quick, heavy footsteps coming from the sofa.


Jeongin turns and meets Hyunjin's worried gaze. The blonde was waiting for him in the living room, restless, and now he seems to be trying to read I.N's mood. Was he still mad at him?

Members with benefits // Stray Kids Smut [ENG]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora