Chapter Ten

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Lucas's POV

I sat in the Queen's office, looking out the window. I was very disappointed in Mia for ever thinking that Josh Bryant would be her friend. I saw the newspaper and was very upset at Josh for using her like that. Mia sat in the Queen's office with a frown, "Please say something. Both of you." The Queen sighed, "Well, there's not much to say. A picture's worth a thousand words and the wisdom of a close loved one speaks volumes, you happen to have two pictures and a very hurt and disappointed boyfriend." Mia teared up and looked at me, "I really embarrassed the family, didn't I? Lucas, please." 

I sighed, "Princess. I hate to say it, but you did. Mia, I told you that it was bad news and he was using you. I know you had and/or have a crush on him. You wanted one last thing before eventually choosing the throne if you even wanted it. I didn't want you to get hurt. But the moment you chose the beach party was the moment, Lilly, Micheal, and I paid the price of it."

The Queen took off her glasses, "I think your making a wise decision to abstain from the job but remember, Lucas comes back to Genovia to take over lessons to prepare for the throne." Mia sniffled and teared up, "I suppose I won't come to the ball then." I sighed and kissed her head, "Of course, you should come. You're still part of the royal family. Just because you don't want to be the princess doesn't mean you're going into exile nor does it mean we can not be friends. I love you Mia, but I don't think that us still being involved would be a good idea. I obtain the throne to ensure that Genovia still falls under the Renaldi's rule, which means I'll be the king. You don't want this so it makes no sense for us to be romantically involved because if we got married, you would be queen anyway." 

Mia frowned, "I love you too, Lucas and I'm sorry." I smiled sadly, "So am I." The Queen frowns, "Now, if you both excuse me. I'm meeting with the press in an hour to do some damage control." Mia frowned as we both walked out the door and she looked at me in tears, "Lucas. I don't want to leave you." I smiled sadly and kissed her cheek, "I know, but this is for the best and it's your decision. I can't make it for you. Your father would have been proud." 

Mia walked out the door and waved goodbye to me sadly as a tear rolled down my face. I sighed and wiped it away as one of the guards sniffled, "This is exactly like a Nicholas Sparks book." I smiled weakly, "You can sell our story to him. I'm going to go study." Everyone on the guard started sobbing as I walked upstairs, away from the love of my life.


I sat there on my bed when the Queen came in and sighed, "Lucas. I'm so sorry about this." I smiled sadly, "It's quite alright, Your Majesty. It just wasn't meant to be." Clarisse smiled, "If it matters, you'll make a great King. King Lucas Whitlock." I smiled and stood up, bowing to Queen Clarisse, "I promise to make you proud." Clarisse smiled and kissed my forehead, "You already have." 


Genovia's Independence Day Ball

I stood in a tux right beside Sebastian, wishing that Mia would change her mind about the throne. It's not that I don't want it, I will take it if needed, but it would be nice for the rightful heir to be right beside me, ruling together. 

The Queen was pacing back and forth, wondering where her granddaughter was. Joe came up to me and whispered, "She's going to run. I'm going to get her." I nodded, "Please make sure she's safe." Joe nodded and ran out.

Sebastian looked at me, "Are you ready, My Lord?" I sighed, "I wish it didn't come to this. I wanted Mia to take the throne so it didn't fall out of the family." Sebastian sighs, "I know." Charlotte walks in, "It's time." 

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