Chapter 4

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(Laura) there's our little sister

(Katherine) Lara Jean Margot

(Margot) *hugging kitty* we missed you girl

(Katherine) how's college for you both?

(Lara) it's going great, Peter is on his way with Josh they should be here soon

(Katherine) are we expecting any wedding between you and Peter?

(Lara) that has been on the table to discuss

(Dan) well I'm supportive of any of your decisions

(Lara) dad

(Margot) dad

(Dan) hey girls *hugging Margot and Lara*

(Lara) we missed you dad

(Dan) I'm always here any day of the week

(Marot) so how was Seoul visiting kiss academy?

(Katherine) I loved it, I can't wait to return for possibly next semester

(Lara) I thought it was study abroad for a semester? Then school here

(Katherine) I love kiss academy It's great I'm happy there I learn more there and more about mom it was really great

(Dan) I'm happy for you sweetie

(Trina) Dan we should set up for lunch for the girls I'm sure they're hungry

(Dan) alright, girls you catch up

(Lara) *sitting down in room* so how was flying across the country to see Dae?

(Katherine) they were good, it was eventful at first but in the end we ended off as friends

(Margot) why would you go across state in the first place? If you two were jest going to split up

(Peter) hey Covey sisters, what's this about split up?

(Lara) hey Peter you made it, were listening to kitty's story

(Peter) oh may I hear?

(Katherine) well I went all the way to Seoul to attend kiss and learn more about my mother, I saw my boyfriend who turned out to be cheating but that was only a pretend relationship, I was placed into a boys dorm from my last name and I reunited a family while also losing Dae, thinking I'm bisexual and having another guy fly across the country with me just to announce he's in love with me

(Peter) wow

(Lara) that's alot to take in

(Katherine) I know

(Margot) so what are you and this guy who flew back with you going to do?

(Katherine) I don't know yet he'd be my second love after Dae but he's dae's close friend and I don't know what's going to happen

(Peter) well you are the matchmaker, you got Laura and I together after we never saw each other as something until you sent out her letters now use some of that match making skills on yourself send a letter to this guy who likes you

(Katherine) I dont even know his address yet so I doubt Min-ho would agree to it

(Magrot) we have a name were getting somewhere

(Lara) tell us more about this Min-ho

(Dan) girls lunch

(Katherine) maybe after lunch

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