Chapter 10

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(Min-ho) *driving down road* may I? *holding hand out*

(Katherine) you sorta are my boyfriend so yes you can

(Min-ho) *holding kitty's hand* are you liking being home instead of in Seoul?

(Katherine) I've always grown up here so it's normal to me but going out and traveling is fun, being in Seoul I felt way more of a connection with my mom

(Min-ho) I wish I could meet the woman that brought this beautiful girl into the world

(Katherine) Min-ho

(Min-ho) I'm jest saying you are beautiful kitty and I like getting to hear about everything

(Katherine) you said we were meeting your mom, where would we be meeting her at?

(Min-ho) well I'm driving to her home, she travels alot due to work so I don't see her so often as I was in Seoul she would call or I'd call her since I miss my mom but now being back in Portland I want her to meet you

(Katherine) it won't be weird will it?

(Min-ho) it won't be kitty, don't worry you'll do great besides I tell my mom so much about you already she's happy to finally meet the girl I always talk about

(Katherine) how often do you talk about me then?

(Min-ho) quite a bit

(Katherine) Min-ho really?

(Min-ho) what your my girlfriend of course I would

(Katherine) how far is her place?

(Min-ho) we should be there soon also my mother's name is Dami

(Katherie) dami is a nice name

(Min-ho) that should be her place *pulling into driveway* home sweet home

(Dami) there's my sweet Min-ho *walking to Min-hos car*

(Min-ho) *getting out of car* mom it's so good to see you

(Dami) *hugging Min-ho* you must be kitty the girl I hear so much about

(Katherine) hi nice to meet you I'm Katherine song Covey but mainly go by kitty

(Min-ho) or as my girlfriend kitty

(Dami) well it's so nice to meet you, please come in *walking in home*

(Katherine) your home looks amazing

(Dami) thank you, so I would like to know how a sweet girl like you wounded up with my Min-ho?

(Katherine) well we met on the way to Seoul we were on the same flight from Portland, we didn't get along that well and once I found my ex boyfriend pen pal Dae I saw Min-ho again, it took us time to get along but he was someone I could say I could tolerate and same went for him

(Dami) was he a love at first sight?

(Katherine) not quite because I had a boyfriend at the time that fake cheated on me with a fake girlfriend only because she was hiding that she was lesbian but that girls mom had a whole connection with my mother, we revealed a family secret and brought family together and then I was discovered to be living in Min-ho's dorm with four other people

(Dami) sounds quite eventful but I like to hear about it, Min-ho I was thinking before work calls me for more things we all do a group lunch I'd love to meet kitty's family

(Katherine) my dad and step mom would love that

(Dami) step mom, are your parents divorced?

(Katherine) no, my dad remarried long after my mother passed away my sisters and I miss our mom but we keep her in memory in fact she's the reason I joined kiss and met Min-ho

(Dami) I'm sorry for your loss but that sounds great that you keep her in memory and follow in what she has done

(Katherine) I love getting to experience new things and learn more of my mom

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