Chapter 8

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(Yuri) will you two focus we have to figure out how to get kitty back to kiss not how long Min-ho may kiss kitty

(Dae) that wasn't the conversation

(Q) sounds like it though

(Yuri) you two should've resolved this before you went to see your mother Min-ho but I'll talk to my mom afterall I'm related to one of the professors while the other will possibly be my step-father

(Q) quite the family

(Yuri) I know but without the help of kitty I would've have discovered all of this

(Dae) so what's the plan to get kitty to kiss?

(Min-ho) Yuri can you go into kitty's old things from the dorm room? Theirs old documents of the time kitty was placed in the boys dorm, Q and Dae can find the video footage from kitty's old roommate becoming the reason we took kitty back to our dorm

(Q) were on it I think I still have it downloaded

(Yuri) then I can take it all to my mother and the professors and we can get kitty back before break is over

(Min-ho) this is great we make a good team

(Yuri) Min-ho may I ask when are you and kitty deciding on dating?

(Min-ho) it's going to be kitty's decision after her break up with Dae she wants time to decide and recover from you guys break up

(Dae) I understand

(Yuri) well I hope things work for you and kitty

(Min-ho) thank you, well I should head off and back to bed I promised kitty a day with my mother

(Yuri) that's sweet

(Q) it maybe will make kitty feel as if your mom is a mom to her

(Min-ho) she never really had a connection to hers so of course I'd wanna help her feel a connection with mine

(Q) goodluck bro

(Min-ho) thank you

(Yuri) tell kitty we said hello

(Min-ho) of course I will

(Dae) bye Min-ho

(Q) bye bro

(Min-ho) bye guys

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