Chapter 13

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(Min-ho) *calling kitty* hey kitty

(Katherine) oh hey Min-ho, what's going on?

(Min-ho) with your sister's wedding planning I thought I'd go out shopping for a wedding gift and suit to wear to the wedding but since I don't know all of the wedding I thought calling my girlfriend to come spend the day with me could help

(Katherine) I'd be happy too I also need to get something for Lara and Peter too

(Min-ho) then it's a date I'll pick you up in ten

(Katherine) alright see you soon Min-ho

(Min-ho) bye Covey *hanging up call*

(Dan) what's going on kiddo?

(Katherine) Min-ho needs my help looking for a suit for Lj and Peter's wedding and a gift as well so we're going to go gift shopping and outfit picking

(Dan) here *handing kitty cash* have fun

(Katherine) Thank you dad

(Dan) be careful but have a good time

(Katherine) I will

(Min-ho) *honking horn*

(Katherine) Min-hos here gotta run

(Dan) bye sweetie

(Katherine) *running out to car* you were quick

(Min-ho) *opening kitty's door* I was close by jest in the neighborhood

(Katherine) well let's go wherever you plan on going

(Min-ho) I have two stops first is my house next will be shopping

(Katherine) alright

(Min-ho) *driving to house* so your sister is doing the ceremony half in casual wedding attire then traditional Korean robe style

(Katherine) that is the plan

(Min-ho) have you heard anything back from Yuri yet on kiss academy?

(Katherine) nothing yet, what about you?

(Min-ho) I haven't either so she must be really busy with it

(Katherine) the wedding is in two weeks now and our semester is almost up

(Min-ho) don't worry, we're doing our best we all want to get you back into kiss

(Katherine) if they can't get me back I don't know what I'll tell my dad he thinks I'm only flying back to visit everyone not that I'm expelled from my mom's school

(Min-ho) *pulling up to house* will figure it out kitty relax we've got this now let's go inside

- Min-ho's room -

(Katherine) so what did you need from here before our shopping?

(Min-ho) *handing kitty box* I had something for you as a gift

(Katherine) *opening box* quite fancy

(Min-ho) we are attending a wedding and my mom thought you could use something nice we picked this out for you from my mother's work

(Katherine) *taking baby blue silk dress out of box* I love it Min-ho

(Min-ho) it's all for you

(Katherine) your mom made a great dress

(Min-ho) thanks to your soon to be brother in law he told me that Lara was doing baby blue bridesmaids dresses it can be any long style so I thought I'd help get you this and it has been approved by Lara

(Katherine) thank you Min-ho

(Min-ho) *kisses kitty's forhead* that's what boyfriends are for

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