Five Years Later

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Five years had gone by, and something happened that Eren thought was going to happen: Ai left the orphanage. Supposedly some guy discovered her as she was going shopping with Eren and thought she would make a good idol. At first Ai didn't want to and she would tell Eren she wouldn't do it, but eventually she accepted the job. When Ai left, many of the kids were upset that she was leaving. Ai gave most of them hugs and told them she would come and see them again. She then turned to Eren and told him, "Well, I'll be leaving now."

Eren nodded his head and said "Good luck. You're going to need it." Ai chuckled and said "It'll all be fine. Hey, I have an idea! Once I become famous, I'll invite all of you to one of my concerts! I promise!" Many of the kids were excited when she said, but what they didn't know, it would be the first lie she would ever tell as an idol.

Eren was able to get multiple part time jobs and got enough money to get his own apartment. It wasn't the best apartment, but it was one he could call home. One of his part time jobs was as a cashier at a store, and it was in that job where he found out how Ai was doing. As he walked by the TV aisle, they were playing a concert of some new idol group that was becoming big suddenly. The idol group was called B-Komachi, and at first Eren pay no attention to him. It wasn't until he heard the voice of one of the singers.

He stopped and walked back to the TV's and looked at them. His eyes widened when he saw who it was. It was Ai. She was singing with a huge smile on her face, and she was moving around the stage with so much energy. Compared to the first time he met her; she was no longer the emotionless girl with blank eyes. She was now a girl with bright emotions and her eyes now seem to have stars on them. Eren felt happy for the girl he used to know back at the orphanage.

He soon started to see merch for B-Komachi filling the store he worked at. He thought it was a little weird to see so many items with Ai's face on them. Especially the people who bought them were otakus and would buy buttloads of merchandise. One of them bought only Ai merch and Eren was just scanning them. After that he decided to say something interesting to the man. "You know, I actually know her" Eren told the man. The man looked at him with a not so convince look. "You, know Ai Hoshino? I doubt it" the man said. "No, it's true. We grew up in the same orphanage. I think I have a photo of us as kids" Eren said as he went to take out his wallet. He took out a picture which showed a picture of the whole orphanage kids, and Eren and Ai were at the front. He then showed it to the man and said "Look. That's me and her when we were kids." The man looked at it before looking back at Eren and said, "That's obviously photoshop."

"Photoshop!? This isn't photoshop, this is real!" Eren said. "Can you guys hurry up!? You're holding up a line!" one of the customers in the huge line behind the man shouted. "Just wait, I'll get to you!" Eren raised his voice at him. "See ya, weirdo" the man said as he left with his things. "I'm not the weirdo, you are for buying so many merchandises of a famous idol!" Eren said. After that he was called in to his boss's office where he was let go because of how he lost his temper with the customers.

Eren didn't think it was too bad since he had other part time jobs. He now worked as a waiter at a restaurant where it was always crowded after he started working there. Supposedly many of the female customers started going there because of Eren, thinking he was very handsome and good looking. Some of them even tried flirting with him but Eren ignored them. His boss did notice why more customers were starting to come, so they gave Eren a bit of a raise because of it.

Even with all his work he still went and volunteered at the orphanage. Despite not many of the original kids he knew being there, he was still considered a big brother like figure there. He helped with giving out lunches, laundry, and cleaning. He even played with the kids if he had the time. One time he was walking by the TV room with a laundry basket in his hands where he heard Ai's singing again. He stopped and went inside the room where he saw some of the kids watching her concert. He just stood in the back as he watched the concert as well. When it went to commercials, Eren said "You know she used to live in this orphanage."

The kids turn to him with a shocked expression on their faces. "Are you serious!? Ai Hoshino used to live in this orphanage!?" one of the kids asked. "Yup, we were friends. She used to help me with the kids back then" Eren said. "Did she use to sing and dance here as well!?" another kid asked. "Actually, no. She was almost the complete opposite of how she is on TV. She was almost quiet and didn't talk to many other people." After that the news that the Ai Hoshino used to come to that orphanage started to go around in that building, and many of the kids became big fans.

Emily, a volunteer who conveniently would also volunteer at the same time as Eren, stood next to him as they both witness the whole orphanage watching Ai's concert. "I can't believe they all became fans of her" Emily said. "They see her as an inspiration. Knowing she used to live here as well, lets them know they too could become famous like her" Eren said. "But you told me she made you guys a promise, that she would invite you guys to one of her concerts. What happen to that?" Emily asked. Eren was silent for a bit before saying "She did, but she never kept her promise."

Emily saw how Eren looked a little disappointed and it made her heart sank. The reason why she was even volunteering was because she was in love with Eren after bumping into him in public. She was a regular at the restaurant he worked at and when she found out he volunteer at the orphanage, she decided to volunteer there as well. Her family thought she was crazy since she was from a very rich family, but she paid no attention to them.

Seeing an opportunity to get close to Eren, she decided to surprise him. In one day, she entered the orphanage and found him folding clothes. "Eren!" she said as she rushed to him. Eren looked up and said, "What happen?"

"Guess what I have" Emily said as she held an envelope in her hand. "An envelope?" Eren said. "Well, yeah, but it's what's inside the envelope that matters!" Emily said as she then opens it. "I got all of us tickets to Ai's next concert!" Emily said as she held the tickets in front of him. Eren was surprised and he took the tickets from her before looking at them up closely. She was right, they were tickets to the next B-Komachi concert. "H-How did you get these?" Eren asked, still surprised by the number of tickets he held in his hand. "Let's just say, I have a connection" Emily said.

Eren looked at her and said, "The kids are going to be so happy when I showed them these." Emily agreed with him before she started blushing. "A-Anyway, I was wondering that maybe the Monday after the concert, we could hang out together" Emily said. "Oh, sure" Eren simply said, not thinking much of it. What he was thinking of was how happy the kids will be when they go and see Ai sing in person. 'Ai' Eren said in his head. Since being in this world, he hadn't made that many friends since he was raise in an orphanage, but Ai was one of the few he did made.

 Spending time with her made him feel a nostalgic feeling. The same feeling he felt whenever he played with Mikasa and Armin when the three of them were children. Seeing her again wouldn't be that bad.

Time Skip brought you by Eren buying glow sticks for the kids

Eren along with Emily and the kids from the orphanage were in line waiting to enter the concert. The kids were chanting Ai's name in excitement as Emily giggled from seeing them do that. "They're very adorable" Emily said as Eren was giving the tickets at the entrance. "Ok, let's go" Eren told them as the group went inside. They got to their seats were they then watch the concert. B-Komachi came on stage and did their performance. Everyone in the audience was excited, but the kids began cheering when they saw Ai got on stage and did her performance.

Eren was glad to see his friend that he grew up being happy and doing so great in life. He wanted nothing but happiness for his friends after all. After the concert was over Eren had gone to the gift shop to buy the kids stuff. He wasn't expecting the merchandise to be so expensive but Emily told him she would pay for them. Eren was currently heading his way to the others who were waiting for him, the bad part was that he was loss.

After for what seem like minutes, Eren was looking at a map. "I'm at section C, and I need to get to this section" Eren said as he pointed at the map. "Easy enough. Hopefully" Eren said as he started walking.

Someone was running as they too had gone lost in the stadium. Since they were too distracted, they accidentally bumped into Eren. Both Eren and the person fell to the ground as the person was apologizing for running into him. "No, you're fine" Eren said as he got up. The person also got up and the two lock eyes. Eren was surprise when he saw who had bumped into him.



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