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A week had gone by after Eren and Ai's argument. Eren had simply blocked Ai away from his life. He didn't see her interviews, listen to her songs, or even buy her merchandise for the kids at the orphanage. Eren was folding clothes at the orphanage as a couple of the kids were watching one of Ai's interview. "Hey. Change the channel. I think Sponge bob is on" Eren told the kids as the kids didn't pay attention to him. "Stupid kids" Eren said under his breath.

Emily walked up next to him and asked "Did something happen?" Eren turn to her and said "I don't know what you mean." Emily could tell something was wrong with the boy she liked. Even though Eren was never the one to express himself, she had spend enough time with him to know something was wrong with him. "Eren, you can talk to me. Did something happen between you and Ai?" Emily asked. 

Eren didn't say anything for a moment. "We... Got into some sort of argument" Eren said. "An argument over what?" Emily asked. "I told her I didn't like her new lifestyle. That she should quit being an idol so she can live a normal life" Eren explained. "She wasn't happy about that so she got mad at me." Emily wasn't exactly happy with how Ai treated Eren in that situation. 'He was only trying to help, but yet she acted like a bitch towards him.'

Eren looked at a clock on a wall and said "I need to go. I have a shift coming up at a grocery store." Emily nodded her head and Eren left, leaving her alone to fold the clothes. Eren was now at the grocery store, working as a cashier. He was scanning items and putting them in bags before telling customers their total. For a moment he had no customers so he just stood by his cashier. 

'You would never understand the pain I lived through to get to where I am!'

Those words went through Eren's head which he tried to get rid of. Hearing that made him remember his previous life and all the pain he went through to get to where he is now. Even though his new life isn't one a lot of people would want, it was better than the one he previous had. That's all that matter to Eren.

Suddenly a costumer arrive and Eren grab their item. It was only a candy bar as Eren scan it before putting it in a bag. "Your total is one dollar" Eren simply told the costumer. The costumer then took out a dollar and gave it to Eren. "Thank you. Have a good day" Eren told him. "No, I hope you have a good day" the costumer said. Before he left he stopped and turn to Eren. "Ai wants to speak to you."

Hearing that made Eren turn to the boy quickly but he was already gone. 'Who was that just now?' Eren said in his head. Exactly after that Eren got a message on his phone. He took it out and saw it was from an unknown number, but he already guessed who it was.

"Eren, it's me, Ai."

Eren just simply looked at the text before putting the phone back in his pocket. He wasn't in the mood to talk to Ai after what happen between them. Not a second past before he got another text message. He checked it and again it was from Ai.

"I know you must be mad at me, but I want to apologize."

Eren once again ignored the message and continue to work when another costumer came to his register. As he was putting the items in the bag he could feel his pocket vibrate due to him getting another text. 'Why doesn't this girl just give up?' Eren said in his head. After giving the costumer their goods, Eren check his phone.

"If you want to talk I'll be at the cafe that we went to together around four. It's ok if you don't want to."

Eren check the time on his phone and saw it was almost four, the same time his shift would be over. The question was is he going to go meet up with Ai for her apology.

Time Skip brought you by Eren playing angry birds on his phone

Ai was sitting in the cafe alone, wearing her usual public outfit. Her chest was tightening due to the guiltiness she felt for what she said to Eren the week before. She didn't know what came over her that day. She knew that Eren was just trying to help her. But hearing him almost finding out that she lies almost all the time scarred her. She didn't want her best friend to find out that about her.

"Is this seat taken?" someone asked. "Yeah, it's for my-"

Ai looked up and saw it was Eren standing there. "Eren!" she said as she got up and hugged the boy. "For a sec I thought you weren't going to come!" She then let him go before the two took their seats. "Ai, I-"

"I'm so sorry Eren!" Ai said as she then bow in front of him. Eren was surprise by the sudden apology. "I was acting very foolishly that day, and I shouldn't have said all those things to you! I know you were trying to help, but I wouldn't listen to you! And I'm sorry!" Eren looked around and saw that Ai was making a scene in the cafe. "Ai, you're making a scene. People might recognize you" Eren whisper.

"Huh?" she said as she then look around and notice all the people staring at them. "Oh, sorry" she whisper. Eren nodded his head before saying "Well, I guess I should apologize too."

"Apologize? Apologize for what?" Ai asked. "For getting into your lifestyle. You came to me asking for help, but instead I ended up judging you. A friend should be there to provide support, not criticism." Ai felt a little warmth in her chest but she quickly dismissed it. "I accept your apology" Ai told him. "And I accept yours" Eren told her. "Now, I heard you need some boy advice." Ai nodded her head and said "I'm going to tell you something that you're not going to believe, but I'm actually-"

"You're dating someone in secret" Eren interrupted her which surprise her. "Huh!? How'd you know!?" Ai asked. "I saw the two of you at the mall a week ago. You should really think about being more stealthier about your secret relationship." Ai chuckle before rubbing the back of her head. "Yup. I got a boyfriend" Ai said. "That's good. I hope he treats you well" Eren said. "He has, but I don't know if I have been treating him well. I don't know the first thing about being a girlfriend and I don't know what to do."

Eren wanted to help his friend, but he wasn't exactly an expert on love. He spent his whole tier previous life trying to accomplish his goals that love went over his head, and even he regretted that. So seeing his friend needing relationship advice would kind of made up that loveless life he previously had.  "I'll try to help you" Eren told Ai. Ai looked at him and her face gleamed of hope before saying "Really!? Oh, thank you Eren!"

Outside the cafe a blond hair boy was watching the two friends talking. 'He doesn't seem like a threat, but if he gets in my way, I will get rid of him.'

A/N: Thank you all for reading. This story has been in the works for months all because of the many rewrites it went through. As you guys can tell all of this takes place before the events of the Oshi No Ko anime. I want to say thank you to all of you for your support and for the three amazing years I have been on Wattpad.

Also shoutout to @Wintry93 for being an amazing fan and for also trying to guess what would be the next story I would work on. 

Thank you all, and see you all in the next chapter.

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