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A couple of days had past since Eren last saw Ai in person. He hadn't thought of her a lot due to his schedule being busy, but she wasn't out of his mind. That was mainly due to the kids in the orphanage singing her songs ever since they went to the concert. Eren even thought it was a little funny that the kid who sleeps in the room that Ai use to sleep in had a bunch of posters of her all over the wall.

"The kids really enjoy the concert" Emily said to Eren who wasn't really paying attention. He turn to her and said "Huh? Oh, yeah. I think they did enjoy it." The two were at the mall hanging out due to the agreement they had on the day of the concert. "Almost every single word that comes out of their mouths have to do with Ai. I mean, she's a good idol, but not that great. Right Eren?" Emily asked. 

"I feel that Ai has the potential to become a great idol, but that's up to her" Eren simply said. Eren didn't notice it, but Emily had a nervous look on her face. She knew that Eren and Ai were childhood friends, but after hearing that Eren and Ai met up again made her worry. She wanted to date the brown hair Jeager, but he was never the type to express himself to her, so it was kind of hard for her to know what were his interests. 

In a last minute hope she looked around the mall until she spotted an ice cream stand. "Hey, want some ice cream?" Emily asked. "Uh, sure" Eren said. "Vanilla is fine." Emily nodded her head and headed to wait in line for the ice cream shop. Eren stood in the middle of the mall before taking out his phone. 

A/N: These are the types of clothes he's wearing

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A/N: These are the types of clothes he's wearing. Ignore the cat.

After scrolling through boring thins on his phone, he look up and saw something that surprise him a bit. A purple hair girl wearing a hat and face mask was walking through the mall. She seem to be cautious as she looked around, hoping to not be seen. 'You've already fail on that Ai' Eren said in his head. The idea of walking up to her did come to his mind, but before he had the time to think about it, he saw something unexpected.

A blond hair boy wave at Ai as she then notice the boy before speed walking to him. Ai rubbed the back of her head and the two seem to be talking. Ai then wrapped her arm around the boy's arm before the two started walking away. 'This is surprising. Ai has a secret boyfriend' Eren said in his head. He knew that they were dating in secret since it was common knowledge that if an idol was found out to be in a relationship, their career would be over. Eren thought that the idea was stupid, and it wasn't letting idols be free to be with who they want to be. In secret, Eren was kind of rooting for Ai and her boyfriend.

"I'm back!" Emily said having two small cups of ice cream in them. "Thank you" Eren told her as he took the small cup from her. "So, where to next?"

Time Skip brought you by this

After spending around two hours later in the mall, Eren and Emily went on their separate ways

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After spending around two hours later in the mall, Eren and Emily went on their separate ways. Emily thought that the hangout went ok, but could've been better. Eren thought of nothing of his hangout with Emily, and was instead thinking of getting groceries. "Where are you going?" someone whisper into Eren's ear as he turn quickly and got into a fighting position.

"Woah! Calm down! I didn't think I would scare you like that." Ai was the one who was behind him as she put up her arms. Eren sigh as he stood up before saying "I didn't think we would meet this sooner."

"Yeah, me neither. What are the coincidences?" Ai said before smiling under her face mask. Eren then smell something in the air and notice a unique smell coming from Ai. 'Is she... Wearing perfume?' Eren thought in his head. It did made sense since she was just on a date a couple of hours ago. "Hey, since we just happen to run into each other. I need some advice" Ai said, which surprise Eren a bit. "Advice? Advice on what?" Eren asked, hoping it wasn't related to her idol job. "Um... Boy advice" Ai said as she looked embarrassed to talk about it.

"Boy advice? Why would you need that?" Eren asked, pretending to not know the truth about the question. "Oh, I just want to know so I can understand my audience better! You know, since most of them are boys!" Ai said immediately. Ai was sweating a bit and she wasn't making eye contact with Eren. But to be honest, Eren didn't know why she was asking him out of all people, since he wasn't exactly a normal boy. "Don't you think you can ask somebody else?" Eren asked. "How about your manager?"

"No! He can never know about this!" Ai said before calming herself down so Eren wouldn't get suspicious of her. "He would get the wrong idea, and restrict my access more. I'm already lucky that he even gives me these breaks." Eren tighten his fist as he was getting a little angry from hearing what Ai just told him. 'From what I've heard and see with my own eyes, this idol job is slowly taking away Ai's freedom.'

"Ai, how about you just quit being an idol?" Eren asked which surprise the girl. "Huh!? Quit!? Why would I do that!?" Ai asked surprised. "It seems to be taking away your freedom. No person has to live their life with all these restrictions. Your manager isn't even treating you like a person no more, but a sheep in a flock" Eren told her. "B-But I like this lifestyle. It means so much for me." Eren saw something was wrong with Ai. Her eyes weren't telling the truth, and Eren knew she was lying to him.

"Ai, don't lie to me. I've known you for years, I know that-"

"You know what Eren!? I'm not one of the little kids at the orphanage that you can just bullshit to and trick them into letting them know everything is going to be ok! This lifestyle is way better than living in some orphanage, or living with a mother who never cared for you! Someone like you, who was loved by everyone, shouldn't be talking about other people lifestyles. You would never understand the pain I live through to get to where I am!"

Everything went silent for a moment. Neither of the teenagers spoke a single word to another. Eren tighten his fist which Ai noticed and began to get a little nervous. "Alright then. I'm sorry for giving my opinion to your situation" Eren simply told her. He then turn around and walked away from her.  

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