Helping Out A Friend

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Eren and Ai were walking together on the sidewalk to start Ai's journey on impressing her boyfriend. Eren was trying to think of what boys were into when dating a girl. 'I don't really know what boys want in a girl. I think the most obvious should be their personality' Eren said in his head. He looked at Ai and stare at her from top to bottom. 'And Ai isn't a bad looking girl either. Any boy would just be happy being near her."

Ai turn to Eren and asked "So, got any ideas?" Eren looked forward and said "I think I might know something." The duo continued walking until Eren stopped in front of a store. Ai looked up and saw they were at a book store. This confuse the girl but Eren walked inside the store. Ai followed him and the two walk through the store until Eren found the nonfiction section. He began going through the books as Ai stood there, looking around her. The store wasn't crowded but it did have a few costumers there. 

"Found it" Eren said as he took out the book. Ai turn to him to see what did he find and was surprise to find out what it was. It was a book about the world. Before Ai could ask any questions Eren took the book to the front counter and paid for it. The two walk out of the book store before Eren handed the book to Ai. "Here, study this" he told her as Ai looked confuse. "Study what?" Ai asked. "The whole book. Guys love the wonders of the earth and what it holds for us. It gives off this amazing feeling of wonder."

Ai had never heard of any guy loving the earth that much to want to study a whole book about it, but Eren was the only guy friend she knew. "I guess let's go to the next stop" Eren said as they continue walking. 

To make this part short, I'll just tell you what Eren showed her. He took her to a horse ranch where he taught her how to ride a horse. At first Ai struggle to ride a horse but eventually learn how to do it thanks to Eren. She was actually surprise that Eren already knew how to ride a horse. 

Then they went to the movies where Ai thought they were going to watch a romance movie, but instead it was a military movie. Ai was bore for most of the movie as Eren was intrigued by the movie. After getting out of the movie, Eren then said "Alright, I think that's everything a guy likes. Are you more confident now?" He then looked at Ai who seem pretty tired and was rubbing her back because of the many times she fell off a horse. "Eren" Ai simply said. "Yeah?" Eren said. "I don't think my boyfriend is going to like any of this stuff. He just doesn't seem to be the type to be into all of this." 

Eren stood there as he began thinking about what he showed Ai. 'Now that I think about it. Most of the stuff I showed her were things I'm into. I don't think guys from this world would actually be into any of these things.' Eren sigh and said "I'm sorry for wasting your time."

"No, you didn't waste my time! I'm glad that I got to spend time with you again. It kind of felt like old times" Ai said. "I think I'm just going to watch some romance movies and take some notes from them. That'll probably help me the most." Eren nodded his head and said "Ok, I wish you luck with your boyfriend then."

"Thank you" Ai simply said as she began walking away from him. Eren scratched his head before saying "I think it's too late to ask her for that book now." All of a sudden, Eren heard footsteps coming from behind him. He quickly turn around to see it was Ai's manager, Ichigo. Eren lower his defense a bit before saying "It's just you. You scared me a bit."

"I'm a little surprise myself to run into you around this time" Ichigo said. "So, how's Ai? Is she doing good?" Eren asked, trying to pretend he hadn't been with her that whole day. "I'm surprise she hasn't told you herself. You two were with each other for the whole day" Ichigo said. 'Well, shit' Eren said in his head. "What're you going to do? Call the police? Get a restraining order on me?" Eren asked. 

"And why would I have to do that?" Ichigo asked. "Isn't it obvious? You don't want me spending time with Ai. You think it'll ruin her reputation." Ichigo nodded and said "That is true, but I have notice something else." He then took out his phone and showed a video to Eren. It was Ai surrounded by the other singers in her group as she joked around with them and having a good time. "What's wrong with it?" Eren asked. "Ai was never the one to socialize with the other singers in B-Komachi. She always kept to herself, but after the night I caught you two together she's been more social with them."

"And that's not it as her fans also seem to notice a bit of a change with her. They say she seems a bit more, happy." Eren didn't know if Ai's sudden change was because of him or because she got a boyfriend. Either way it was good that Ai was being more happy. "And what does that have to do with now?" Eren asked. Ichigo was silent for a bit before asking "How would you feel if we give you a job?"

Time Skip brought you by Ai falling off a horse as Eren chuckle from that

Ai was walking to the B-Komachi studio to get ready for their rehearsal. Two nights ago she went home and watch romance movies all night to get her ready for her date. On the next day she used all she learn to spend time with boyfriend. For the most part, it actually works. It was going so well that she wanted to add something in it. She surprise her boyfriend by taking him to a horse ranch so they can ride horses together. Her boyfriend refused and when he actually tried to ride a horse, he fell off like she did when she was first learning how to ride one.

"Where did you learn how to ride a horse?" he had asked her. "Oh, from a friend" Ai told him. "A friend?" her boyfriend said. "Yup" Ai said as Eren flashed in her head when she said that. She was kind of disappointed that her boyfriend didn't like horse riding, but she kind of already knew that he wasn't going to like it. Maybe in one of these days she can ask Eren to go with her again.

When she got to the studio she saw the other singers crowing together and whispering about something. That interested Ai to know what they were talking about, thinking their was a chance they were talking about her. 'It wouldn't be the first time' she said in her head. She walked over to them with a smile and ask "Hey, what're you girls talking about?"

"Oh, Ai. Did you heard? We just hired a new janitor" one of the singers asked. "A new janitor? What happen to the old one?" Ai asked. "Ichigo caught him trying to spill secrets on us so he fired him, and the new guy is kind of cute" another singer said. "He's here?" Ai asked. "Yeah, over there" they said as they pointed at the new janitor. Ai looked and was surprise to see who it was. Sweeping the floor in a janitor uniform was a brown hair boy with green eyes. He then turn to Ai and the other singers before waving at them. 

"Hey" he said. "Eren!?" Ai said surprise as the other singers looked at her. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2023 ⏰

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