A Surprising Reunion

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Five Years Ago

When Ai first heard of her mother's arrest, she wasn't surprised. Not once in her life did her mother told her she loved her, and she never felt any sort of affection from her either. Going into that children's home she didn't feel any type of emotion since she didn't know how to feel them. 

To her surprise most of the kids she first met were very welcoming to her. They were all very nice and talkative to her. Ai knew that the kids were trying to get her to talk but she had no interest in making any relationships with the kids there. Afterall the next day her mother could've come pick her up or one of those kids could've gotten adopted. Once the kids realize their efforts to get her to talk were useless, they stopped talking to her. Ai knew they were going to do that. Almost everyone she knew always gave up on her.

At least, almost everyone.

His name was Eren Jeager, a boy at the orphanage who was the same age as her. She knew all about the boy since almost every kid talked about him. The kids who first welcome her told her about him. "He's like a big brother to us!" one of the kids told her. "Yeah! He's always ready to help anyone, you should talk to him!" another kid told her. But she didn't what was so special about the boy name Eren Jeager. All she could see was another orphan who decided to take a step and become the big brother figure to the other kids. If she didn't know him better then she would've thought he was just doing this for attention.

On the day when Luca and his friends were trying to get a rise from Ai, he could've ignored them. Afterall he had never once talked to her so he had no type of relationship with the new girl. That's why she was so surprise when Eren defended her and stood up for her. "Hope they didn't bother you too much. They always try to bother the new kids. They think they're the easy targets." That's what Eren told her after the bullies ran away.

'They weren't bothering me too much. Even if they continue to insult me, I would've just continue to ignore them' Ai had said in her head. As she thought that she just stare at Eren which caused some awkwardness for the boy. "I think I'm going to go" Eren told her as he turn his back to her. 'Of course you're going to leave me, they all do' is what Ai wanted to think, but instead something else happen. "Thank you." 

Ai herself couldn't believe she just utter those words. They just slip out of her mouth and out to the open where Eren could hear her. Eren turn around to her with a surprise look on his face and asked "Did... You just spoke right now?" Ai thought it was a stupid question, but it made sense to ask that since she had never spoken to anyone in that place before. "You're acting like you've never seen a person speak before" Ai told him, as in the inside she thought it was kind of cute how he ask that question. 

 "I-It's not that, but no one here has ever heard you spoke before" Eren told her. "Are you going to start talking from now on?" Eren then asked. The question kind of caught Ai off guard. She didn't know if she would start talking to people from now on or just continue to shut people away from her. A part of her told her to stay silent and not get too close to these people. They still had the chance to hurt her. But another side of her told her to give them a chance, and we all know what was her response.



The two teens were staring into each others eyes as they were surprise to run into each other. Eren knew Ai was going to be there since it was her idol group that was performing there, but he didn't think he was going to meet Ai in person. Ai was in even more shock since she hadn't spoken to the boy for the past five years after she left the orphanage. What even shock her more was that she had bump into him at her own concert.

"I... Wasn't expecting to run into you like this" Eren was the first to speak. "Y-Yeah" Ai said a bit nervous. 'Why am I nervous, this is Eren we're talking to!? He's like a brother to me' Ai said in her head. After she was able to get her mind together, she was able to get into her idol personality. "It's been so long! How have you been!?" Ai said in a more cheery voice. 'She change personalities fast' Eren said in his head. 

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