Chapter 3

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Ravi refused to let Pip go. Every second he ran his fingers through her hair, wrapped her in hugs or kissed her. But Pip wasn't complaining. She missed his touch and longed to stay in it forever.

"Pip?" "Mhm?" "Are you sleeping?" She shuffled closer to him, finding home where his shoulder met his neck. "Mm, no, not yet but I coul-" "Don't", he said suddenly, a serious edge added to his voice, "You have to pack". "What?!" She pushed herself up to meet his eyes. He pushed back fly aways from Pip's hair, a smile on his lips, "We're going back to Fairview, trouble"

"Next station to Fairview, Connecticut leaving in 20 minutes". "Pip, come on", Ravi got up, picking up Pip's bag and intertwining his fingers into hers. Pip couldn't shake the smile on her face. She was with Ravi once again and in the next hour or two, she'd get to see everyone again. Her parents, Josh, Cara, Naomi, Jamie, Nat, Connor and Becca. But something else raged inside of her. Fear. Fear that if she entered once again the truth would unveil itself and she'd have to leave once again. This time to never return. "Sarge? Come on. We're going to miss the train"

The next two hours were the best sleep of Pip's life. Wrapped in one of Ravi's embraces Pip felt herself relax as sleep took over her. "Sleep well, Sarge." 

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