lab rat

516 8 0

3rd Person Pov

Anya. Returned 3 times, each with a letter of refusal seeping with fake regret.

Day after day, night after night, Anya waited for the one that would end this boredom. Loitering on the streets, in the market, on the beachside, Anya mindlessly wasted her youth.

But just before her 5th birthday, a man appeared wanting a child that could read and write! Loid Forger had been impressed by her completion of the corssword puzzle, that she was sure of.
So then why, why, did he not her?

"Oh- ideally I'd like a child who can already read and write."

"Yeah? In that case- Anya, get over here!"

"You have to be at least 6 to enroll at Eden Acdemy. This girl looks 4, 5 at the oldest..." Loid thought wearily. Alarmed, Anya stood on tipy toes to prove that he can mistake her for a 6 yr-old.

"Six!" She confirmed. She ran over, grabbed the a crossword, a few pencils, and started frantically scribbling the answers straight from Loid's head. "Homeostasis...casual closure...symplectomorphism"

"You finished that?! Seriously?!"

[Fast forwarding to when Loid is about to leave]

"Sir, unfortunately I won't be able to adopt anyone here. I apologise for the inconvenience and I hope you a good day." Just like that, Loid Forger dodged the broken gates and rubble before continuing on his way home.

Anya pov 

He doesn't want Anya? Anya only has a few more days before the tracking device is located and Anya will be taken to the scary guys again! She has to battle rain, storm, and fire to run away and secure a safe home! Thanks for watching this weeks battle.

Suddenly, an impatient knocking from the doorway stopped my train of thought.

Surely, it can't be, right? Surely? A bang made me cover my ears, and by the time I dared to peek up, the rusty musty crusty dusty door was broken, the toddlers covered with wood splinters, and beady eyed me under strict scrunity.

I felt my pulse quicken with fear, and so I bolted out of the orphange and activated my telepashy, tellpathie, telepty...whatever, and followed a woman who was thinking about peanuts! She was certainly a good lady to follow, and then she spoke with a person outside Anya's vision.

"My, my, hello! I was informed of a young man living next to my nephew and I. He just couldn't wait to meet you! Please, come in for tea later this afternoon as I could not bother you with so many stacks of boxes in your hands. Do let me assist you—"

"I'm so tired."

"Thank you, madam. I would love to! I'll bring some cakes over from the bakery across the road, if it's all right with you and your nephew?"

Anya let out an inaudible gasp. So he did want a child afterall! The lady then proceed to leave, and this Loid certainly let out one big sigh of relief straight away.

Loid Pov

I noticed the same young girl from yesterday darting big, emerald eyes for incoming signs of danger, and then cautiously walked up to me. She didn't look lost; in fact, she looked relieved. Her heart was beating at an unsually rapid pace though, but I don't know why.

I crouched down. "Sweetie are you lost?" I asked in a voice that hopefully sounded gentle. She shook her head.

If I recall, this was the same girl that sat on the unswept floor with a toy chimera. She also showed me the finished crossword puzzle. Perhaps, as she is already here, I'll just ask the Handler to give me the her information and she can become my foster daughter.

The manager there looked like he couldn't care less about the 'runts', as he named them, so everything should be under control. I beckoned for her to join me inside my new apartment, and she obediently followed. Good.

"Hey, uh i didn't quite learn your name at the orphanage. I'm Loid Forger. I just needed to confirm a few details and then you can be my adopted child. I'd like to know you better, so would you mind telling me if you've ever had an education, how old you are, and your name?" By now she was trembling all over, as if being interrogated.

"I wanted to create a world where children won't have to cry, and yet here I am, giving a young child such overbearing pressure. I vowed to make a country where children won't experience the same childhood as me."

"I'm about to turn 5 years old, I was taught in a special facility by guys in white cloaks. My name is Anya— mmph!"

Abnormally, the lights flickered on and off repeatedly then died. When the light bulb decided it had enough sleep for the day, all that was left of the orphan was a single shred of white fabric, muddy footprints big enough to be mistaken for a baby yeti, and 2 strands of pink  hair.

3rd Person Pov

Loid paced the living room relentlessly, but even he couldn't make sense of it. A harmless girl kidnapped? His head was spinning in circles. Loid sat on the red couch and placed his dizzy head in his hands.

The disappearance, it was all a harmless prank, until he realised that the muffled screams had been screams of terror. In the blink of an eye he was up, and he contacted the emergency number for Fullmetal Lady. Loid's hands shook as he demanded:

"I require backup. As Loid Forger, not Twilight, may I call the Thorn Princess for backup? Thank you, Advisor. Good day."

Loid huffed out a breath of relief, and hurriedly dialed the code to call the infamous 'Thorn Princess' that after months and months of rigorous digging and research, he placed her in his Top 20 Most Dangerous People That Could Very Likely End My Life.

Under these circumstances, however, he had no choice but to turn to her for help. Afterall, anyone else capable woud most likely block him immediately.
Loid felt his stomach churn with poisonous beetles and whatnot, hoping that this Anya is still safe and sound. The ringtone brought him back to his senses, and he picked it up.


"Thorn Princess. You have a new assignment starting of today." Loid deepened his voice to a gravelley tone, "and it is to protect Loid and Anya Forger for as long as necessary. Do not forget your position as a bodyguard."

"Yes sir. Do I need to wipe out an scum beforehand?"

"No. He will make sure you have an accomodation and daily needs whilst you fulfill this assignment, so pack all your belongings and make sure to arrive on time and 7.45pm sharp. Prioritze this mission, Thorn Princess, for it may as well be your most important one yet."

"Understood. May I be excused now?"

"Yes." The beep signaled it was time for Loid to obtain his well-deserved nap, so he set an alarm for 5 hour and slept like an exhausted infant.

Anya Pov

"Anya is in Mr. Beady's van. He is calling the big boss, who will inject swords into Anya's throbbing arms. He has such deadly weaponry; the invincible duct tape and undefeatable scissors, that Anya surely will get injured if she gets on Mr. B's bad side. She doesn't wanna go back to the lab. She doesn't wanna! But what can she do? Tune in for the next update!"

I shut off my fabulous commentary when I realised Mr. Beady was furiously glaring lasers at me. I've got to muster enough courage to ask him where we're going! I shook my head and nestled close against the snug worn-out leather sprinkled with ash and blood, but I'll worry about that later...

Hang on just a second. Let's rewind. Blood?! And now that I think about it, my chimera is oddly soothing after Mister snatched it, gave it a "sweet smelling scent" into the paws.....but that's okay. Save the thinking for later...

Beep, beep, beep.

"Quick, grab a bandage! Too much blood  is seeping out of #007! If we don't keep her alive during this examination, Boss will kill us!" a shrill voice cried.

"B- Bondman??" Everyone, even the other test subjects, forze and looked at her incredulously.

"Bondman? She is in one of the most serious and complex testing stages, and here she, thinking about a cartoon. This is reality, and you're going to have to wake up real soon sweetie, whether you like it or not."

✭°Damianya°✭ ʷʰᵃᵗ ⁱᶠOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora