
18 1 0

[T/W— drugs mentioned in this chapter]

In Becky's distant dreams, the faint flickering of torches harmonized with sobs and moans of tortured prisoners that reverberated off the elongated prison, the frigid and foreboding depths of the dungeon as dreary as they come.

The oppressive air sent shivers down her spine as she clutched her fur-lined cloak tightly around her, the soft rustle of silk and the delicate jingle of jewellery in stark contrast to the grim surroundings.

Becky's heart pounded in her chest, an unwavering feeling that Anya was unjustly imprisoned here.
The very thought of her best friend, who had once waltzed with her at recess and shared secrets during class time, confined to such a dismal place sent a wave of sorrow through Becky.

As she continued her descent, the flickering torches on the stone walls cast eerie, dancing shadows that seemed to whisper tales of suffering and despair.
The air grew heavy with a nauseating stench of blood and vomit, clinging to the cold, damp, grey stone walls.

She passed by rows of iron bars that held inmates in wretched captivity. Each cell was a small, miserable world unto itself.
Faces, etched with the lines of hardship, stared out from behind the bars. Hollow eyes pleaded silently for mercy.

The sight of the suffering and the wretched conditions in the dungeon only steeled Becky's resolve and determination.

"How off-putting. These degrading cells were complete with shackles that bound them to their plaque with their owner's name imprinted as if these humans were slaves to the opulent aristocrats of this country."
She passed by a stone etched with the words:

#007: Telepathy and Object Manipulation

Beneath the rustic plaque, familiar numbers were carved into the stones seemingly with sticks.

I miss you.

"I miss you too, Test Subject #007."

Becky pov

"Eden had immediately tightened the security after catching word, strict day-by-day schedules handed out to all classrooms by the new term. That reminds me, Anya! Your crush is doing well. Socially, academically, physically...whatever.

"Damian and I are not on bad terms nor good terms, simply distant acquaintances. We really miss you, and I hope when you read this passage from my diary that you're safe and healthy. Love, Becky 107 xoxo." Fresh tears stained the page, my writing bleeding into the paper as I got up from my desk and entered the common room.

"Hey Becky, any updates on Ruby or Anya yet?" Raine called out, distractedly playing Mario Cart against Dante on the TV. I shook my head.

11 years ago, Anya, Ruby, and Chase got 'abducted'. We're 17 years old now, in our high school years at Eden Academy.
No files were recorded of a missing girl called Anya, who briefly appeared in Year 1 before vanishing into the night, taking 2 other students along with her.

The very thought soured my mood, and it was only 10 am.

"Cakes, anyone?"

"Note to self: 607 means 'I miss you.'"

The dream was all I could think about for days on end, the lacklustre cells and the fact that somehow Dream Me was talking to a test subject. I have to tell 'him' because I will not let unrequited love go to waste! And also because I need front-row tickets in this rom-com.

As I carried a wide, colourful canvas for my next art class, I found my target sipping an iced peach tea with wired earbuds, staring at the dead autumn leaves with a sombre expression. He looked around, noticing me from behind a trunk, and smirked.

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