CHAPTER 1: Better Luck Next Time...

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"...I CHALLENGE YOU TO A BASKETBALL GAME!!" Hiki stood up and yelled, which had been way out of the ordinary.


"Deal!" Hero jumped up and they ran to the basketball court

The game started with amazing back-and-forth actions and both Hiki and Hero unwrapping their astounding skills. Although that, Hero knew he could never be better than Hiki.

Hero ran past Hiki and threw the ball into the air. It surprisingly made a clean shot through the hoop. Everyone started clapping as Aubrey yelled "Good job Hero!!" with watermelon juice splattered all over her face.

As the game got to its end, at a whopping 5-8, Hero became hopeless that he was gonna win, not that he wasn't proud of his little brother. Just as Hero almost made a hoop, Hiki slammed the ball back onto the ground with his stunning jumping skills. Hero tried getting the ball back, but a rock stopped him, making Hero roll his ankle and get extremely hurt.

Hero immediately fell to the ground, and instantly grabbed his ankle to put pressure onto the excruciating pain he was dealing with.

"Hero!! Are you okay?" Mari said, hurrying to help Hero. The others did so as well.

Sunny stayed with Hiki, "Are you coming..?" Hiki stayed silent. "Okay... Ready when you are buddy."

Sunny and Hiki walked back to the group where Mari had taken an ice pack from the cooler and treated Hero. All was well.

The kids been full off of treats and watermelon. It was time they headed home.

"Sunny and I should probably be heading home... yawnnnnnn" Mari said, as she grabbed Sunny's hand.

"Awww man!" Basil and Aubrey said in unison.

They all headed towards the BROAD TOWNLAND, where Mari and Sunny lived with their mom. There were many townspeople excited to see the kids, as they always see them every day.

After some time of walking, they saw a black cat meow at them.

"Hey! Thats Mewo!! Whats she doing here?" Sunny asked. Mari shrugged and picked up Mewo as they kept on their track to their house

Suddenly, a small SQUIRREL jumped in front of them.

"Awww how cute!" Aubrey said, crouching over and petting it. Little did she know, it was actually a mad SQUIRREL. It bit Aubrey's hand and held on with its teeth!

"aaaAAAAAAHHHH!!! Get it off GET IT OFF!!!" Aubrey screeched as she shook her hand repeatedly. Sunny took a handful of acorns and threw them another direction.

"Good job Sunny!" Basil said, patting his back. "Wait where did you even get those acorns—?"

"I drew them." Sunny said, waving his pencil in the air.

"Woah, didn't know you could do that!" Aubrey said, jumping into their conversation. Basil gave her a mean look.

"Anyways, Hiki! Did you see that sinister red aura that followed the SQUIRREL, and how it's immediate reaction was to defend itself by biting Aubrey?" Mari said, "Well, that was dependent on its emotion! Here let me show you." Mari continued her lecture, grabbing Sunny's sketchbook and doodled something, ripped the page out, and handed it to Hiki.

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