CHAPTER 3: Where are they?

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Hiki had woken up in his orange space...  and ready to hang out with his friends.

He tried to open the door, like always, but it was locked. He tried jiggling the doorknob until he heard a loud thump. It was a map. A paper map, why did it make such a noise?? The map had a sticky note on it.

"Check the laptop" was written on the note.

He did as the note said and checked his laptop. The desktop had glitched into a hangman's game.

The door unlocked.

Hiki picked up his shovel and headed out of his void to the Neighbor's Yard.

"HIKI!! We missed you!" Basil and Aubrey shouted in unison as they ran over to Hiki.

"Mari hasn't shown up yet and we had nobody to play with!" Aubrey said. "Mr Plantegg had nobody to watch over him!!" She continued as she stuffed Her plush in Hiki's face.

"C'mon! We're gonna go to Hero and Sunny! Maybe they'll know where Mari is!" Basil said after Aubrey.

The kids hurried to The Courtyard, and saw Hero sitting alone with his ankle brace.

"Hey Hero! Where is Sunny? Mari wasn't with us today!" Basil said.

"Oh they're probably being held up by errands in the Townland. You guys should go help them out!" Hero said.

They all agreed and went off to the Townland. They asked the townspeople where the Suzuki's were. Unfortunately, Nobody knew. It had appeared that even their mom didn't know where they were and was putting up missing kid posters.

"Man where could they be..." Basil said with a pout, sitting down next to one of the stands in the marketplace, which was selling tulips and Lilies of the Valley that day. Aubrey went off to buy drinks a few stands down, but came back empty handed when she found out there was only orange joe.

One of the sellers had heard the kids pouting and tried requesting they all go to Orange Oasis.

"Orange Oasis?" Aubrey asked.

"Yeah! Its where the famous Orange Joe lives! He knows everything about Headspace!" The seller said, holding up a can of Orange Joe with Orange Joe's face on it...

"Well then we better get to it!" Aubrey said, grabbing Basil's and Hiki's hand with each of hers. They all headed to the train station, where there was a huge train and a train conductor.

"Hey hey hey kids! Y'all aint goin' nowhere 'till I see them train tickets!" The train conductor said, in a very southern accent.

"Aw man! Where are we gonna find those!" Aubrey whined, stomping her foot.

"Chill out kiddo! I heard the Leader of all Space Pirates is passin' out some train tickets." The conductor said.

"Hey! We love Captain Spaceboy!" Basil said.

"Yeah they all do... Now go get those darned tickets before i close the doors." The conductor replied.

"Wait, why cant we just get on now??" Aubrey argued towards the conductor.


"Fine... Guys lets go find those tickets!" Aubrey continued. The three kids went out on their adventure to the Moon Space.

"This place is so cold..." Aubrey shivered and said through shaky teeth

"Woah..! This place is so big! We have to check out everythi-" Basil said, before getting interrupted by Aubrey.

"No Basil! We have to find Mari and Sunny!" Aubrey said. Basil gave her a mean stare, and slightly pushed her to the side.

"Ew now i have mud on my shirt! MARI!!!- oh yeah..." Aubrey said, annoyed, before getting a sad aura around her. 

Hiki just stared at them blankly.

They both stopped arguing and waited for Hiki to guide them both to the HQ of the Space Pirates.

They all arrived at the HQ, but there was a huge line covering them from

"Darn it! C'mon Hiki, lets go find another way in." Basil said.

They all tried going around the HQ, and found a door that said "NO ENTRY!!" "SPACEBOY ONLY!!"

"Wow... Guess we have to go in line..." Aubrey said sarcastically.

They all headed upstairs discreetly, and found themselves standing in Captain Space boy.

They snuck behind him and startled him by asking him for the tickets.

"AAA!" Spaceboy jumped into the nearest person's arms in horror. His tickets scattered across the floor.

"Oh, my apologies, Mister!" Spaceboy said, getting off the person and brushing himself off. He looked at the 3 kids.

"Who are you guys and why are you in my house..?" Space boy said anxiously, closing the door.

"Well so you see... So our friends Mari and Sunny... We couldnt find them this morning, so our other friend hero told us to—" "Hey! Hero didnt tell us that! The salesperson did!" "Who even cares..?? Anyways so someone told us to go check out orange oasis..."

Aubrey and Basil kept explaining how they ended up there.

"...And thats how we got here! Sooooo... can we get the tickets?" Aubrey asked.

"No.." Spaceboy said.

"You have to prove your worthiness of these tickets if you're going to barge in my house! So I challenge you to a duel!" He continued.


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