Out of the Bag

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Cole's POV

We walked over to Morro, who was standing in front of.... Dad's house. Great, I thought, now there's no way of stalling any longer.

"Do you think we should knock?" He suddenly asked, turning back to us.

"I guess, they're probably at the festival though," I stated, but he was already running up to the door. After three knocks, he stood back slightly. However, the door didn't open.

"Huh, guess you were right," Jay said. "Well, we could walk around the street a bit more before regrouping?" He offered to Morro, who look crestfallen.

"Yeah, I guess," He responded quietly, making me feel a little sympathetic.

"Hey, cheer up. They're probably around here somewhere," I told him, and he smiled slightly.


{Two hours later}

No one's POV

Pixal and Zane watched as the others slowly made their way over to the van.

"We found some rooms, and an assortment toasties," Kai said, holding up the sandwiches.

"Morro says he recognises a house, but nobody was home at the time," Jay added.

"That's wonderful. But, I think Cole has some explaining to do," Zane said, making the mentioned Ninja raise an eyebrow in confusion.

"Why? What's up?"

"Well, when we looked at the records, and we only found one family that fit Morro's description." Cole looked nervous, but gave them a shaky smile.

"Wouldn't that be a good thing?"

"It would, but the only person matching how Morro described his step father was Louis William Brookstone. Sound familiar?" Pixal asked the others.

"Oh yea, that was his name. Why would it be familiar to you?" Morro asked.

"Because, it's Cole's Dad's name," Nya explained, surprising Morro.

"But that would mean..." He turned to Cole, who had a shadow over his face. "You're my-

"No, it doesn't. You know why? Because you stopped being my brother the second you walked out!" Cole yelled, whipping around to face the ex-ghost. Everyone jumped back, shocked.

"I-I don't understand," Morro stuttered. Anger flashed through Cole's eyes.

"Oh, you don't? Would you like me to spell it out for you?! You left me behind for some stupid prophecy that wasn't yours to chase!" Tears were spilling out of both boys' eyes now, and Cole was shaking with anger.

"And not only did you do that, when you came back, you didn't even bother to tell me. You were too caught up in possessing a twelve year old boy!" He added, pointing a finger at Lloyd.

"C-Cole..." Morro started, but Cole wasn't done.

"No! You don't get to speak. Mum was just getting sicker, and you left! Then she died, and I had no one."

"What about Kira?" Morro asked, in disbelief about the news of his mother's passing.

"Oh yeah, like a seven year old is gonna understand what's going on! Why did you even come back?!"

"I wanted to reconnect, get to know Kira." The explanation just made Cole angrier.

"Thirteen years too late! She doesn't even know who you are!" He yelled, advancing towards the older male. Kai and Zane stepped closer, getting ready to restrain anyone if things got out of hand.

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