Chapter 3

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 Last night I Set an alarm for Eight-thirty. Knowing Sam's ass, she wouldn't wake me up. To my surprise, I was woken by two hands grabbing my sides this morning.

"Hey? Did the mental patient text you back?"

I moaned out in frustration and opened my eyes slightly to see Sam standing over my bed. Of course, she only wakes me up to be noisy about something. I looked around for my phone but couldn't find it. Oh yea, I threw it at the bottom of my bed.

"Look by my feet for my phone," I told Sam. She patted around until finding it. She stood straight up and scrolled through my messages. "HEY! Privacy, please." I snatched it out of her hands.

"Hmmmm, you texting a boy I don't know about?" She asked.

I almost smacked that funny look on her face. "NO, I have standards."

Sam spit-laughed an ugly laugh. "Girl, stop lying," she said in between breaths.

I slapped her thighs and countered with the truth. "Girl, you'll fuck anything with a dick."

She gasped at my comment. "Well, you are not far from the truth." We both died of laughter.

Once I got dressed, I dragged myself to Algebra. I had no will to be here at all. What I was really looking forward to was Mr. Conner's class. I'm curious what he's wearing today. Oh, I hope it's a tight shirt... Wait, how about no shirt, yea that's better. I was so lost in daydreaming I didn't even realize that class was almost over. Mrs. Sherry was wrapping up by telling us there would be a test next week. Shit, I didn't take any notes as usual. Whatever, I am good at math anyway.

Mr. Conner's class was at three pm, and it was only eleven am. I got time to kill.

I went to go sit by the fountain. I closed my eyes to enjoy the cool breeze and the droplets of water that splashed on me. Then my phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out, and my chest started hurting. It was Heather.

HEATHER: Hey Ashley! Sorry, I am constantly losing my phone! So clumsy, haha.

Do I reply? Was this a mistake? Maybe I should just block her number. My parents paid good money for me to be here. The look on my dad's face if i got kicked out for messing around with professors and their wives.

I blacked out my phone and slid it back into my pocket. Moments went by before I found myself pulling my phone back out and texting Heather back. I couldn't help it I wanted to know more about her, something was off about this woman.

ME: Hey Heather, how are you doing? Did you make it home safely?

She responded instantly.

HEATHER: Thank you for being so considerate. Indeed, I did make it home safely. Where are you?

I'm glad she made it home. Asking me where I am is kinda creepy. We barely know each other. Do I tell her that I am one of her husband's students? No, let's not do that.

ME: Hanging around, haha :)

HEATHER: How about coffee you have some free time?

Say no. Say no. Say no.

ME: Where at? I have plans at three o'clock.

A sudden shadow cast over me as someone stood in between me and the sun. I looked up, and Mr. Conner stood directly in front of me. He's so beautiful up close. Oh, Fuck does he know? OMG, I am in trouble.

"I meant to ask you something the other day, if you don't mind," Mr. Conner said as he sat beside me. I could feel my cheeks glow hot, and I dared to look into his eyes. Just a peek. Fuck. I just know we would have cute babies.

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