4. Never trust a snake.

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Wu: "Glad to see at least someone is early."

I open my eyes and nod in acknowledgment.

Me: "Morning training is an irreplaceable part of my routine."

—Wu: "And what type of training are your currently doing? Meditation?"

—Me: "Close. I am actually practicing a technique called "TOTAL CONCENTRATION BREATHING.""

—Wu: "Oh? Tell me more about it..."

—Me: "Total Concentration Breathing is a breathing technique that helps you take deeper breaths, speed up your blood flow, and increase your body temperature."

"By taking in as much air with each breath as possible, your lungs expand and oxygen levels in your blood increase, resulting in your muscles and bones being more powerful and responsive."

"Using it helps enhance the users strength, speed, stamina and endurance,"

—Wu: "Hm... seems like a rather useful technique. I think you should teach your comrades of it"

I nod in response.

Me: "Alright."

We see the boys finally arrive.

—Kai: "Hehe. Little slow today, huh? What exactly did you dream about?"

—Zane: "I saw the Falcon again."

—Jay: "Whoa. Zane, every time you see that bird, something big happens. First, it lead you to the secret tree house."

—Cole: "Then it lead you to the Bounty."

—Wu: "All right! Stretches. First, the Swooping Crane."

He shows them.

Zane: "This time, it showed me the Green Ninja."

They whispered.

—Cole, Jay, and Kai: "The Green Ninja?"

They all exclaim in surprise. Sensei noticed and turns around.

Wu: "That looks like the Shocked Monkey. Bad form, more focus."

He faces away again.

Jay: "You can't just drop a bomb like that. Spill the beans"

—Kai: "Yeah, what else did you see?"

—Zane: "He was fighting Lord Garmadon."

—Kai: "That's what the prophecy said. That the Green Ninja would defeat the Dark Lord. But did you have a chance to see which one of us was him?"

—Jay: "Yeah."

—Cole: "Did you see?"

—Zane: "I could not tell. He shared attributes each of us possess."

I raise brow as I hear them whispering about Zane's dream and the "green ninja".

Wu: "Now, Pinching Crab."

He changes poses.

Kai: "Well, tell us everything. And don't spare any details. There has to be a clue that tells us which one of us is gonna be the Green Nin—"

Wu pulls on his ear.

Kai: "Ow, ow, ow! Hey!"

—Wu: "What was so important to ignore my teachings?"

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