2: Something Happened

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"Alan, wait up!" Fermat said. He was struggling to keep up with Alan who was speedwalking away. Fermat had no idea where he was heading. "Where are you g-going?"

With that, Alan stopped suddenly, causing Fermat to crash into him in his haste to keep up.

"I don't know yet. Sorry Fermat, I just wanted to get away." Alan confessed.

"Just s-say so Alan. I g-get it." Fermat sighed.

"I didn't know anything about those missions. They never call to tell me how it went, that they're fine. I find all this out on TV!" Alan said, exasperated.

"I'm right th-there with you remember?" Fermat said. "At least my d-dad lets us know about their m-missions instead."

"Yeah." Alan replied simply. He started walking again, but at a pace easier for Fermat to keep up with. "Come on."

"Where are we going now?" Fermat asked.

"You'll see." Alan said, a glint of mischief in his eyes. They came to a door, and Alan started to punch in a code.

"We're not supposed to g-go in there, we'll g-get in trouble!" Fermat said, realizing Alan was trying to access Thunderbird One's silo. Not trying, succeeding.

"How'd you get the access c-code for Thunderbird One anyway?" Fermat asked as they entered.

"Fermat my friend, what you don't know, can't hurt you." Alan replied mysteriously.

"Alan wait." Fermat hissed as Alan entered the cockpit of Thunderbird One.

"Come on Fermat, no one will notice!" Alan insisted.

Reluctantly, Fermat joined him, but purely to supervise, at least that's what he convinced himself of doing. In all truthfulness, Fermat also wanted to go into Thunderbird One, just as long as they didn't get caught.


They got caught.

"Alan, my office. Now." Jeff demanded, turning up on the monitor inside of Thunderbird One.

"We're so busted." Fermat groaned. The two of them made quick work of getting out of Thunderbird One, and Fermat ran his hand along the outside of the ship in a defeated manner, until he brushed his fingers against something liquid and pulled away. He felt Alan stop behind him and look in his direction and his sudden stop, and showed him.

"What is that?" Alan asked.

"Some kind of gallium electrolyte compound." Fermat frowned. They exchanged a look, and decided to split up – Alan to confront his father and Fermat to tell his father about the compound.

Alan jogged into his father's office, intent on getting the first word. "Dad, I know you're mad, I shouldn't have been in the ship, but just give me a minute to explain-"

"Damn right you shouldn't have been in the ship." Jeff snapped.

"Nothing happened though Dad, I had it all under control!" Alan insisted.

"Under control? Do you know the importance of secrecy in our operation? You fired up a Thunderbird without the anti-detection shield activated. You put everyone in danger by acting selfishly. You wanna be part of the team? You play by the rules. Understand?" Jeff asked.

"Yeah I understand. You don't want me to be a Thunderbird! You don't want me to do anything, and you won't even listen to me when I'm trying to tell you something importa-" Alan argued.

"That's enough. You're grounded for the rest of Spring Break." Jeff interrupted.

"But Dad-"

"Not buts Alan. You need to grow up." Jeff said.

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