10: A Turn of Events

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"We have a situation," Scott groaned, losing control of Thunderbird Two.

"Scott, hand control of Two to John. Get Four in the water!" Virgil yelled, trying to avoid that damn claw.

"FAB. John, you have control," Scott said as he stood up and raced to Thunderbird Four, opening the hatch and climbing into the pilot seat.

"FAB, lowering Two gently, the waves are too violent to drop the submarine container into the water. You'd capsize immediately. When I give the signal, launch Four straight from Two," John said.

"Is that s-safe?" Fermat asked.

"Not, but it's all we have right now. Ready...launch!" John yelled. Scott launched into the water, crashing hard as he entered beneath the surface.

"Ugh, never again," Scott groaned.

"You'll live. Pulling Two out of there now. The line is still connected but sucking me in. Grab the container and lift it now Scott," John said, wrestling control with the ship with his one arm. Fermat took over comms while Brains tried to help John pull on the ship.

"Deploying magnetic claws," Scott said. Once he made contact, he informed them of it, and both he and John attempted to drag the container to the surface.

"Oh the currents are too strong. Two's nearly in the water!" John exclaimed.

Suddenly, another magnetic hook shot out of the clouds and latched onto Thunderbird Two, steadying it slightly and pulling it up slowly.

"What-" John exclaimed.

"Sorry we're late. Did someone call for a tow-ship?" Alan grinned as Thunderbird One emerged from the clouds.

"Alan!" Fermat laughed.

"Alan!" Jeff yelled, grinning as he saw the welcome sight.

"John, give me control of Two," Alan requested, looking to Tin-Tin who was readying herself to take it.

"FAB. Control is yours in three...two...one," John said. Straight away, Tin-Tin felt the heavy weight of the currents pulling Two under, both the air and water currents that was, while Two had its grip on the continuously sinking container.

"Tin-Tin, commence full power reverse thrust on my signal. Scott, be ready to push that container to the surface," Alan commanded.

"FAB. Commence the countdown," Scott said.

"Three...two...one!" Alan yelled, the teens pulling the ships with a yell and Scott pushing all the Four had into resurfacing the container.

"It's working, keep going you three," Jeff said, watching as the container came up to the surface.

"Scott, release your hold now! Tin-Tin, pull it into Two's cargo hold and get out of there. You too Scott, get away from the currents and get back to Two," Alan ordered.

"FAB!" They responded.

Meanwhile, Virgil and Lady P glanced at each other, smiling at the teamwork with their youngest. It really felt like Alan was a Thunderbird. They had just taken down the last of the men, being the one operating the claw.

"This is Virgil. The crew has been taken down, what are we doing about the Hood?"

"Leave that to us," Alan said.

"Alan-" Jeff started.

"Just trust me Dad. Please," Alan interrupted.

The line was silent for a few seconds, until the older man replied. "Alright son, both of you be careful. On John's signal, I'll be there for you."

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