5: A Bit of Luck

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Lady Penelope was an inspiration for all of them really. While they were all losing their cool (certainly not a pun because they were trapped in the freezer, no way), Lady P was scheming. They had to act fast to not only give control back to Thunderbird Five and bring the Tracys home, but to chase after the Hood who seemed to decide to use Alan as a bargaining chip. Tin-Tin and Fermat told her that Gordon had left in Thunderbird Four to get ahead of the Hood and Lady P suspected that these buffoons would use Alan to take Gordon down.

Having used his skills cultivated from his shady past as a thief (allegedly), Parker unlocked the freezer from the inside and they had all set off running to the control room to take back control.

Thunderbird Five was running out of oxygen.


Alan was not entirely sure what was going through the Hood's mind. He thought the Hood would leave as soon as he had the Guidance Processor, but instead he dragged Alan along with them, hands bound behind his back and ankles bound together. He was roughly pushed into one o the back seats of Thunderbird Two by Mullion (damn he was strong), as the others took their places somewhere in front of him. Great, no eyes on him so he could try and escape his bounds.

Except he couldn't find the energy to do so.

Ever since the Hood's eyes glowed and bore their way into his by the pool, his energy levels were low and so was his mood. Not to say that he was negative about his situation, he was just not feeling anything at all about it. Thunderbird Two took off and Alan turned his attention to listening in on their plans.

"Thunderbird Four will have reached the Bank of London by now, I want no interruptions. Use the child to distract him Mullion, by whatever means necessary.

'Oh great, I'm bait for the Squid," Alan thought.

"It's a shame you know, Alan. We really are more alike than you think," the Hood said at last, turning his attention to Alan, who stilled in his seat.

"We are nothing ali-" Alan started.

"Oh but we are. Abandoned by our families, the forgotten ones, all because we happen to be a little different. My powers, although great, strike fear into the hearts of people in my own community. I was alienated, even by my own brother. You, you were born with the largest age gap to your brother Gordon, and that cost you your dream as a Thunderbird. Your brothers refuse to see you as an equal but in reality, you are above them. Your critical thinking and intelligence far surpasses theirs and they don't stop teasing you to see you for the person you really are. Tell me Alan, am I wrong?" the Hood asked, tilting his head in a sympathetic way.

Alan thought about his answer but couldn't bring any to the tip of his tongue. Was the Hood telling the truth? Did his family really not want him to be a Thunderbird?

"You could join me. We could achieve greatness together," the Hood said, smiling, albeit falsely.

"There is nothing great about what you're doing. Endangering people and all for your own gain," Alan monotonously answered. He looked away, content with watching the view out the window and praying that Gordon would be ready in London and that Fermat and the others will have given control back to Thunderbird Five.

"So be it. What a shame," the Hood said.

"Sir, initiating landing sequence," Transom said, about to press buttons on the console.

"Wait. We have one more job to do first. Throw him out of the ship," the Hood said.

Alan gasped as Mullion unbuckled the seat and dragged Alan up by the collar. Alan tried to resist but with very little energy to do so, made it very easy for Mullion to pull him over to a hatch in the floor, open it, and hold him over it for a few seconds. Mullion grinned as Alan observed the Thames river below them by at least a good thirty feet, trying to keep his feet planted on the edges of the hatch.

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