6: A Bit of Lost Hope

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Lady P was having no luck. After the kids landed Thunderbird One, she left them to confront the Hood, but now she was currently handcuffed to a railing in one of the vaults, being taunted by Mullion. How utterly distasteful.

Gordon was nowhere to be seen and Lady P wasn't sure yet if that was a good thing or not. Ah, never mind, there he is.

"Ah, Gordon Tracy. What a pleasure," the Hood chuckled as he turned away from what he was doing to watch the man glaring daggers at him.

"I'll only ask once. What the hell did you do to Alan?" Gordon demanded.

'Alan? I thought he was in Thunderbird Four, safe,' Lady P thought.

"Nothing he wasn't already suffering from. I merely amplified what was there," the Hood smiled. "You and your family brought this all onto yourselves."

"Don't lie to me," Gordon hissed.

"I never lie," the Hood said, his eyes glowing suddenly. Gordon felt his breathing slow and started to gasp for the air that the Hood was depriving him of.

"Let him go!" Shouted a voice from the entrance of the room.

The Hood dropped his influence over Gordon, to see Jeff Tracy had just arrived. Gordon dropped to his knees, trying to catch his breath.

Jeff made to run towards Gordon, only for the Hood to telekinetically throw him into the cage with Lady P and shut the gate.

"Dad," Gordon groaned.

"Gordon!" shouted a new voice. Alan had just entered as Jeff hit the bars of the cage.

"Ah Alan, wonderful of you to join us," the Hood said.

"Let them go," Alan demanded.

"I'm afraid that cant be done," the Hood replied. "I have a job to do, and you wont be standing in my way."

Alan suddenly felt the cold edge of a blade against his neck and grew very still.

"Leave him alone, he doesn't have anything you want," Gordon said, dragging himself to his feet.

"He doesn't. But you do. We'll make a trade, you and Thunderbird Four, in exchange for your brother," the Hood said.

"Done," Gordon quickly replied, without hesitation. Jeff and Alan both yelled at him not to, but what was done was done.

Without warning and without realizing it, Mullion had dragged Alan over to Gordon and landed a knockout blow to the back of Gordon's head, throwing Alan to the floor and picking up the Aquanaut.

"Until next time, Jeff. Which will be never," the Hood said, as he disappeared along with Mullion, carrying Gordon over his shoulders.

"Gordon!" Jeff shouted, trying to force the cage open.

"Dad, I gotta go after him-" Alan said, trying to drag himself up from the floor, but struggling.

"Stay down, Alan. Give me a minute to get out of here," Jeff said, running over to Lady P to pick the lock of her handcuffs.

Once released, Lady P opened her handheld mirror, secretly her IR communicator.

"Parker, we need you here now. Gather everyone," she said.

"Right away Milady," Parker said, ending the call.

"If I can just override the system..." Alan said, running towards the cage and attempted to trick the locking mechanism.

"Alan, you need to sit down, or you'll collapse," Jeff said. "The others are on their way."

"We don't have time! Gordon doesn't have time!" Alan insisted, hitting the bars with the palm of his hand in frustration.

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