9: A Situation

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"Shadow to Tracy Island, come in John," Jeff said.

"Thunderbird Shadow, what's your ETA?" John asked.

"Three minutes. Where are the boys in Two?" Jeff asked.

"On their way now. They seem to have gotten through to this Mechanic, he offered to help us," John said.

"Can we trust him?" Jeff frowned.

"We'll find out. Scott says they're heading to Thunderbird Four's location first. The Mechanic claims he can disarm her safely so they can pick her up," John said.

"I hope he stays true to that," Jeff sighed. "I'm picking up the submarine on my radar, but I'm only picking up two life signs on it."

"There's no way the Hood would be alone with Gordon. If Gordon is in there then he will be with Mullion," John said. "Hold up, I'm picking up another ship in your vicinity."

"I'm seeing another ship in my vicinity," Jeff replied. He watched as a large aircraft drifted down from the clouds, stopping a few hundred meters above the ocean, where the waves were being stirred up violently by the powerful engines. Jeff pressed a button on his console. "Activating stealth mode."

"Uh what's stealth mode?" John asked.

"An invisible Thunderbird, son," Jeff chuckled.

"Literally?" John asked.

"In-indeed John," Brains chuckled.

"Why doesn't Five have that?" John whined.

"Do you even need it?" Jeff asked.

"If it stops me getting struck by missiles and blown to pieces, yeah," John retorted. On taking in Jeff's and everyone else's silence, he spoke again. "Too soon?"

"M-much," Fermat replied, smiling sheepishly.

"The ship's picking up the submarine with a magnetic cable. Any news on Two and Four?" Jeff asked.

"Not yet- wait, yes. Scott, patching you all in with Dad," John said.

"Scott, update," Jeff said.

"We found Four. The Mechanic managed to disarm her. Alan was right about the explosives wired to her. Virgil just picked her up and now we're on our way to you," Scott said.

"ETA, eight minutes," Virgil announced.

"Make it six son, this aircraft isn't going to hang around for long. Anything from Alan and Tin-Tin yet?"

Silence on all the channels. Jeff sighed, hoping it would all be worth it for Alan to give them all grey hairs before their due time.

"Pushing engines to the maximum, six minutes it is," Virgil said, understanding all too well how precious time was right now.

"FAB," Jeff replied.

John suddenly let out a bark of laughter, startling everyone. "Dad look out your right window!"

Lo and behold, FAB1 was flying alongside Thunderbird Shadow, also in her own stealth mode. Lady Penelope was always one step ahead, having already arranged for Thunderbird Shadow to show up on her onboard radar even in stealth mode.

"FAB1 to Thunderbird Shadow, it's lovely to see you Jeff," Lady P greeted, radiant as ever.

"The sentiment is shared, is everything going according to plan?" Jeff asked.

"More than satisfactory, Jeff. Gordon is in that shady looking craft there. Parker and I will slip in and find him," Lady P said.

"FAB, welcome back Lady Penelope," Jeff said.

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