3: With a Quick Decision

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Gordon had no idea what the hell was happening.

One minute Thunderbird Three launches, the next minute a submarine shows up on their radar, a little too late as there are strangers right at their front door already.

Gordon did the only thing he could, he got rid of the evidence of International Rescue. Operation Cover-up began and he had to get Brains into hiding as soon as he could. He had no idea where any of the others were. Kyrano and Onaha and...oh god, the kids. He hoped they were safe and already hiding from these guys.

Brains stopped him in his tracks as he was pushing the genius somewhere.

"Mr. T-Tracy, wait. If these people know we are International R-Rescue, then they will know you are one of th-them. You m-must hide and leave m-me here," Brains said.

"Sorry Brains, not happening. You're all my responsibility right now and I'm not jumping ship," Gordon insisted.

Before Brains could reply, a thud was heard outside the door – they were here now. The door opened violently, and Gordon attacked the first person to enter, hoping to take them by surprise. Too bad that it was a man much bigger and heavier than Gordon, and he found himself dropping to the floor like a sack of rocks immediately. In a daze, he took in the scene; the man who took him down had picked Brains up by the collar. Gordon attempted to get up, only to be pushed back down onto his chest by the boot of a woman with flaming red hair.

"I wouldn't go anywhere if I were you," She smiled, as a third man stepped into his vision. Bald and dressed in a crimson robe.

"Who are you? Answer me!" Gordon demanded.

"You aren't in any position to demand anything of us. But now you have the honor of being part of our own demands." The robed man replied, smiling menacingly. The man glanced at the portraits, seemingly innocent pictures of the family, minus Alan, but Gordon called that a blessing in disguise considering the events currently happening.

"Professor Hackenbacker?" the red haired woman began. Gordon hadn't realized that she took her boot off his back and was now terrorizing Brains who was forced to sit on the sofa. "We met at last year's conference on nanotechnology. I thought your thesis on neutrinos was extremely stimulating."

"Transom, concentrate," the robed man said.

'Okay. Her name is Transom, that's a start.' Gordon thought. He dared not to move, he suspected if he kept silent long enough, he would find out all their names and be able to find out what they wanted.

Transom took out a device and scanned around the room, stopping at the desk as the beeping grew more rapid. "The control switch is here. Fingerprint recognition system."

The robed man turned to Brains. "Professor, please activate the control switch."

"N-n-n-no way," Brains said defiantly.

"Professor, I'm not sure you understand the situation," the robed man said. He gestured to the other man in the room, who then grabbed Gordon by his shirt and held a knife to his neck.

"Don't even think about it Brains," Gordon hissed through gritted teeth, trying his best not to move and touch the blade closer to his skin.

"As I said before, you are not in any position to demand anything of us," the robed man said. His eyes suddenly started glowing and Gordon barely noticed the knife leaving his neck as pain exploded through his head. This strange man has powers? Just great!

"G-G-Gordon!" Brains stuttered, looking ready to attack the robed man.

"Activate the control switch, professor."

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