32. Back on Track

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After a full hour in the phone with Professor Moonbyul, Jisoo had finally agreed on sending Jisung back to dorms. On one condition, he should come home every weekend.

Jisoo, is still worried. Jisung thought she was being paranoid but agreed anyway. He was overly excited to go back to campus and meet with his friends. He can't wait to see Minho.

Actually, Jisung wanted talk with Felix. The boy had been acting wierd since he was discharged.

Jisoo has dropped him at the dorm building as he was taking his bags out. It's already noon but Jisung isn't intending to attend any classes today. He needs to catch up on work before going to any.

"Be careful." Jisoo said inside the car.

Jisung smiled, waving at him. "I promise. Thanks again." 

Jisoo nodded, reluctantly closing the shutter. She gave him a finger heart before it closed fully and drove away. Jisung watched as her car dissapear through the campus gate.

He took out his phone, texting Felix that he arrived and dragged his bag towards the building. 

"Minho you asshole!" 

Jisung froze in his tracks. There he saw Changbin chasing after Minho while Yongjun yelled after him not to. Minho was laughing his head off while running off.

"Oh my god Binnie, stop screaming-" Yongjun yelled after him.

"Give my phone back! Don't change the factory settings- MINHO!"

"He was just teasing to get on your nerves, stop making a scene!"

Jisung watched as Changbin was caught by Yongjun and was struggling to let go. Minho hcukled jogging towards the building.

"Hey." Jisung breathed with a small wave.   

Minho paused, blinking twice. "You are really here. I thought..." 

"Yeah...actually aunt jisoo reconsidered Professor Moon's words... well, yeah, here I am." He let out a giggle. "It's good to be back after two weeks."

Minho stepped closer, I replacing his fi gers with Jisung. He blushed, glancing at their hands. "It's good to have you back, Han Jisung."

"Lee fucking Minho! Stop flirting and give my phone back!

Jisung saw Changbin getting rid of Yongjun's grip and bolting towards them.

"Oof, time to go." He smiled at Jisung. "See you at the evening practice." With that he ran off.

Jisung chuckled at their crazy behaviour. He sighed, biting his lips. He was excited. Of course, they have practise today and it made him want to bounce up and down on his toes.

He mentally laughed a his love sick behaviour, heading towards the building.

Little did he know, Felix was watching their little encounter.


Taking a deep breath, he entered the dorm, dragging his suit case with him. As soon as he enetred he was crushed by his two best friends. Jisung laughed, hugging them back.

"Welcome home buddy!"

Hyunjin greets, dragging him inside. They help him unpack but, Felix was quiet the entire time. Jisung wasn't sure why he is acting like this. 

They had never been so awkward like this, not since they have been friends. Jisung's guts told him that somehow he messed thing up with his best friend. And he can't help but feel Felix is also at fault in it. Felix and hyunjin are dating after all. And didn't even bother to tell him. 

He shouldn't be bother about it. No, he absolutely shouldn't.

So, after lunch he decided to talk to Felix. 

Only he couldn't get a hold of the boy. Everytime, Felix would mumble something and get away somehow. 

"I don't know what I did wrong." Jisung mumbled to Hyunjin as they walked towards Hyunjin's art class room.

Hyunjin walked over towards his desk and grabbed the large canvas and headerd towards his locked, turning the key and unlocking it.

"Don't worry about him. He can be a bit crusty sometimes."

Jisung hummed.

He wanted question about their relationship for so long now. But, he doesn't want ghing awkward with Hyunjin either. Now, Felix is low key avoiding him, Hyunjin is the only on there to talk with him.

It's okay, I guess. Just give it a shot.

"Um... Hyunjin."


"Are you and Felix..." He trailed off, making Hyunjin stiff. "You know, a thing...?"

Hyunjin dropped his oil pastels. He quikcly bend and started collect and and put them in the tinted box. Jisung walked towards him, helping him hold the canvas while Hyunjin closed the box and put it in the locker and slammed it shut, making Jisung flinch.

"I thought it was the right thing to do. I just wanted to be there for him and...gosh. I'm sorry."

He had a look of hollow and worry in his eyes. He was guilty.


"He was crying and I couldn't help myself and I told him to do whatever he wants... God I like him a lot - I liked him since he ruined my painting. And he was willing to do anything." Hyunjin sighed. "I was confused at first why he wanted me to forget about Chan hyung. It was simply a request and I thought he would forget about if after, only he didn't."

"I told he needs time and he clearly stated he doesn't and I was desperate." Hyunjin rubbed his eyes. "He says he like me and I like him a lot too... so we started dating-"

"How long?"

Hyunjin gulped at Jisung's deep voice. He only switches to it when he is serious. "Four months." Hyunjin heard Jisung sighing. "Are you mad?

"No...actually a little bit. You should have told me. I would have supported you guys and would be able to tell a reason to Chan hyung to not to search for Felix, for fucs sake.." Jisung shaked his head and looked a the big window. "You don't need to apologise."

"Actually...Chan hyung told us you know-"

Jisung's head snapped at him. "He what?"

"Yeah, at the hospital last week. That's why Felix was feeling moody. He literally disappeared for an hour after that. I wasn't sure if you really know or not but, now that I actually confirmed about it." Hyunjin bit his lip, scratching at the nape of his neck. "And, how did you know about us?"

Jisung mouth opened. He didn't think this had gone this far. Josung was frustrated on why the hell Chan tell Felix that. Now, he has to deal with an awkward and moody Felix. 

Jisung ran his hand through his hair. "God don'tremind me, you should be careful when having sex."

Hyunjin blushed. Jisung walked out of the class room, after shoving Hyunjin his canvas.

"What the fuck Jisung? You-"

"I saw you literally striping him, at the party. Lock a door for God's sake. I don't want my virgin eyes to be washed with Holy water."

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