Bonus #1

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It hasn't even been month months since the couple has settled down in a new house in Itaewon. And it's been exactly four months since Jisung's ring fingure got occupied.

Life has been easy on both of them. Jisung mostly spent the afternoon with Minho after working in the company. While Minho mostly worked from home. Since his gramch was on Japan and he didn't want to live there, working online was the only option.

Whilst, Jisung would be n between a chaotic company schedule - writing lyrics - supervising new choreographies - derecting and managing his two girl groups - and the waiting list for the upcoming audition.

It's busy.

But never busy for Minho.

And lately, Jisung has been staring a lot at old pictures of his family. He spend hours in his room, sorting out them. Minho can't say he didn't notice. Especially since most of the pictures being Eun ho's - his half sister.

Minho didn't think much. And simply let it go thinking he just miss his baby sister.

And he wasn't to question. The Han family was never among their conversations. Mostly because, Jisung would be overwhelmed easily. So, it's safe not to talk about it.

But the question arose again when Jisung kept looking at the baby products while they were shopping.

Minho noticed this. And right now, he was looking at a blue elephant onesie for toddlers.

Minho walked beside him, with the bags and tapped on his shoulder. "Han?"

Jisung visibly flinched. He spun towards Minho with a sheepish grin. "Yup, right here. You done?"

Minho nodded, eyeing the onesie. "Yeah. Anything else babe?"

Jisung shacked his head. "Nope." He grinned popping out the 'p'. "Let's hurry up and go. Then you can cuddle me."

Minho chuckled at the younger's enthusiasm. Minho played for the clothes and laced his hand with Jisung's and walked towards the car.

Even on their way home, he could Jisung was occupied with his phone, which is very rare. Normally he would initiate a talk with Minho or simply stare at the scenery passing by.

Again he didn't question assuming it's some important stuff regarding the girl groups. (The girls are so comfortable with him that they basically call him their brother sometimes.)

After returning home, Jisung hurried to the bathroom to get washed. Minho placed the bags on the bed as the shower opened. The door was open - a silent invitation for Minho to join him.

But Minho had another concern - the notification popped upped on Jisung's phone.

Now, minho wasn't to look through Jisung phone and massages but thisbe really caught his attention.

Adopting centre's near you.

What, does he want to adopt a pet?

He picked up the phone and clicked on Google. The first tab popped up was some pictures of toddler outfits. And the next was a bunch of cute names.

Minho was confused.

Or maybe he is just dense as a rock.

And that's how he ended up in front of Hyunjin and Felix looking like oqtinece who cam for his therapist.

"So you are saying, jisung is I interested in toddler clothes?" Hyunjin asked.

Minho nodded.

"And he wants to adopt a pet?"

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