36. My Everything

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The plan was merely a master plan, which included Felix and Hyunjin running right in front of the three intruders while Minho and Jisung escape.

Well, Jisung has to admit it was effective until Arnold caught them.

The two of them were nearing the art u ot when arnold poped out of the blue. Minho, grabbed Jisung hand and started running to the directing where they came. Turning at the junction, they started running towards the dance department again.

Realizing their headed path, Jisung yelled. "Hyung! Are you crazy?"

Minho decided not to reply as he wouldn't be able to form a full sentence as he was panting like a dog on a summer day. Once the men were out of sight, Minho pulled Jisung behind a bush to catch on oxygen.

"Hyung," Jisung hissed. "Are you nuts or soething? Victoria must be here somewhere?"

 Minho only nodded. Jisung watched as he take out his phone and check the time, then glancing back at the department which had a faint light.



Minho hushed the you get as he heard foots steps approaching. Soon, he heard the voice of San Victoria muttering commands to the two men. As far as Jisung understood, Hyunjin and Felix had gotten away and the men had given up chasing after them. Which let them to be hunted.

Jisung gripped Minho's shirt. It was half drenched with sweat.

He didn't wanted Minho to go. And the thought of Victoria marrying Mr. Lee made his gut churn in disgust. He felt bad for Minho's mother, the lady was kind and caring. Even when that one time Jisung was there, she chose not to mame him uncomfortable by asking too many questions about his family background. It's something most poelle wouldn't tend to do.

"Find that boy, got it? He must be hiding somewhere here. "

He listens to the helled foottsped fading and rapid run of a pair of decks. Minho peeks fro  their hiding spot and sighed.

"Let's go." He pulled Jisung with him and started jogging towards the Professors' office.

Maybe Minho has a plan. So, Jisung decide to trust on Minho's moves. That's when a shadow walked infront of them maki g Minho stiff as a rock.

Or his plan got ruined.

"Finally," Victoria sighed, pushing her curled hair back in a flip. "Let's stop playing tag, shall we."

Minho's grip on Jisung hand tightens as he glared at her. "I won't come. You are wasting your time."

She rolled her eyes. "If I am, then I must have gone a while ago lad. Now, let go of your little friend over there and come with me to your daddy." Minho made disgusted face. He was about to protest when Victoria wpoek again. "If not I will simply tell your father about the son of Han Jaeyong and his whereabouts."

Jisung gasped behind Minho, clearly afraid. Minho looked at the woman with disbelief. "No, you wouldn't."

"Oh yes I will. You think I don't know Jaeyong's secrets?"

Minho closed his eyes, taking a breath he looked at Victoria who is now with the two men from earlier. (Minho wonders how they appear within snap on fingers.)

"Okay..." Victoria smirked in victory. "but give me some time with Han."

She looked at the men and shrugged. "Okay, go on. Two minutes."

Minho nodded quickly turning to Jisung. "Han-"

"No, please no. You can't go." He pleaded as Minho cupped the younger's cheeks.

"Han, I can't let my father get hold of you. You know that."

Jisung shacked his head vigorously. "No, hyung. You can't give up like this and go because she got information me. You hate business studies and I don't want the dance programme cancel because you are leaving..." He let a tear slip down his cheek. "And...I can't bear the fact you have to go because of me."

"One minute!"

A yell made both of them flinch for a second. Minho sighed, pulling the younger in to a tight grip as he shed silent tears. "I am not letting you suffer because of Victoria and my father."

"That was long ago and now I have nothing left. Even though they want what they lost, I can't give them...I'm used to feel this way."

"No one should be used to live scared Han-"

"But, do you know what will break me?" Jisung whispered. "Being abandoned by the person I want to be my everything."

Minho's eyes widened right before Arnold pulled him apart. "Okay time to go-"

In the next seond the man was knocked unconscious on the ground with a bloody nose. Minho gasped at his own act, gawking at his sore fist. He is definitely not a fighter. Even in high school he would get in to fights and lose and end up beaten up like a pulp. He never had  a reason to win anyway. Those were just useless things, because the guy's girlfriend flirted with him because he looked hot.

But now, the solid reason for him to beat the shit out of the guy who is balling  his eyes at him is, Han Jisung.


Jisung winced as Minho kicked he second guy down too. And who would have thought Moonbyul would be here at the dance department and help him kick asses and demand a talk with Victoria? Not Jisung.

"Are you okay?" Jisung asked, eyes the purple mark visible on the cheekbone.

"Do I look like I am okay?"

Jisung looked down. "No..."

Minho grinned lifting Jisung's chin and stealing a peck. Jisung looked at him with widened eyes. "Hyung! Professor Moon will see us! We are right in front of the office-"

Minho hummed. "I took a fight for you and you are refusing a simple thing."

Jisung clicked his to guess looking away. "Pabo." He then eyes at his knuckled which are red. Jisung gently took one and gently touched it. "I'm sorry. You got hurt because of me."

Minho shacked his head. "I don't mind if it's for you." Jisung blushed with a small smile. Minho cupped Jisung hand with both of his. "Jisung," He started.

Jisung hummed looking up. Both got lost in each others eyes. Minho almost had forgotten what he wanted to ask. Jisung was just so beautiful. His cheeks were flushed pink and lips in a cute pout. His eyes glittered under the moonlight with little strand of hair falling over his eyes.


The door opened revealing a frowning Victoria and a very mad music Professor.

"You may go Miss. San." She nodded towards her. "I  hope not to witness this type behaviour in the future."

Victoria muttered something under her breath and stormed out of the office, not forgetting to spare a glance at Minho.

Moonbyul turned towards the squirrel and lee bit. "Mr. Lee and and Mr. Han, I need a word with you two."

It's been more that a year since I become a stay. 

I stil remember scrolling through You tube and finding that tik tok dance challenge way back in back door era and fell in to a good ten minutes of thinking weather Hyunjin is a girl or a boy... I was obsessed with his long blond hair. 

Plus I thought Minho was the leader.

Cheers to Venom for getting me in to SKZ.

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