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The radiant sun illuminated the Johan Cruyff stadium as Lucía and her sister Noa excitedly made their way to the stands. It was a special day; the FC Barcelona Women's team would be playing a crucial match against one of their main rivals, Real Madrid.

"It's this way", Noa guided her sister, who was walking through the stands a bit hesitantly.

The sisters settled into their seats, eager to witness the excitement and football skills that would unfold in front of them.

"I'm so nervous; it's been years since I've been here" Lucía said.

"You should start playing again, Lu," Noa said for the eleventh time that week.

"Look, it's starting," Lucía ignored her sister's suggestion.

As the match began, the crowd immersed themselves in an electric atmosphere, with chants from the fans and applause resonating throughout the stadium. Lucía couldn't help but feel infected by the passion that surrounded her, just like the first day. However, her attention shifted when her eyes met those of a particular player.

Alexia, a star footballer from FC Barcelona, was on the field, ready to challenge her opponents. Her innate talent and dedication had made her one of the most outstanding players on the team. However, in that moment, her eyes moved away from the field and met Lucía's.

A shiver ran through Lucía's body as she wondered if Alexia was really looking at her. It seemed impossible. Why would a talented player like her be interested in an ordinary girl in the stands? Lucía couldn't take her eyes off Alexia; her eyes seemed to convey more than just curiosity.

As the match progressed, Lucía began to notice that Alexia kept looking at her from time to time. The visual encounters became more frequent and prolonged. The enigmatic girl who had caught Alexia's attention now felt a strange flutter in her stomach every time their gazes met.

Lucía struggled between disbelief and excitement. Could there be some special connection between them? However, she also wondered if she was just imagining things. How could a renowned football player have any genuine interest in an unknown person like her?

"Pssst, Noa. Alexia keeps looking over here."

"What are you saying? Maybe her family is nearby or something."

The match reached its climax when Barça scored a crucial goal that brought them closer to victory. The crowd erupted in a frenzy of celebration, and Alexia, momentarily distracted, found herself staring intently at the unknown girl in the stands.

The unknown girl in the stands, Lucía, noticed Alexia looking at her again and returned the gaze with curiosity. Attracted by her beauty and the intensity of her eyes, Alexia felt a shiver run down her spine.

However, the noise of the crowd and the frenzy of the match didn't allow her to dwell on that mystery for too long. She continued cheering for her team, jumping and shouting along with the other fans. Nevertheless, the image of the mysterious girl persisted in her mind, and curiosity began to take hold of her.

When the match finally ended with Barcelona's victory, Alexia found herself walking through the stadium corridors, trying to find a shortcut to the exit. It was then, unexpectedly, that she bumped into the unknown girl, who seemed to have been looking for her as well.

"Hello!" she greeted the girl with enthusiasm.

Lucía and Noa were surprised that the footballer had noticed the older sister.

Alexia smiled, understanding their confusion. "You didn't expect to find me here, did you? My name is Alexia."

"We know who you are; this is incredible. What you told me earlier was true," Noa said, looking at her big sister.

"Noa!" Lucía said, slightly embarrassed by Noa's comment.

Alexia chuckled "I've seen you looking at me from the field, and I couldn't let you leave without seeing you up close. Would you like to meet up sometime?"

A wave of excitement washed over Lucía as she heard Alexia's words. Her heart raced as she considered the proposal. The instant connection they had felt and the curiosity Alexia sparked in her couldn't be ignored. Lucía decided to take the risk and embrace the magic of the moment.

"I would love to," she replied with a smile, unable to hide her enthusiasm.

Alexia's face lit up with delight. "How about we meet for a coffee tomorrow? I can pick you up if that's alright with you."

Lucía nodded eagerly. "That sounds perfect."

Noa chimed in once again, unable to contain her excitement. "And then you can play football together!"

Alexia turned to Noa, intrigued by the suggestion. "Do you play football?"

Lucía shot Noa a meaningful glance, indicating that they would discuss it later, and then turned to the smiling girl in front of her. "I used to play. I had to quit about 11 months ago."

"Was it due to a serious injury? I recently experienced something similar," Alexia asked sympathetically.

"Well, not technically. It was for another reason," Lucía replied.

Noa couldn't resist teasing her sister. She showed Alexia a photo of her 3 month old niece. "This is the reason."

"Noa, come on!" Lucía protested.

"No worries, I don't think she'll run away. Alessia is adorable. Hey, the names are even similar," Noa teased.

Alexia looked at the photo of the little Alessia and smiled with tenderness. It was evident that Noa adored her niece, and the family connection reminded Alexia of the importance of having someone special in her own life.

"You're right, Alessia is a beautiful name," Alexia commented, feeling a spark of curiosity. "But you've left me intrigued. How did having a daughter make you stop playing football?"

Lucía sighed and looked at Alexia with sincerity. "When Alessia was born, I realized that I needed to be there for her in every stage of her life. As a professional football player, the travels and long seasons away from home would have become incompatible with watching her grow up."

Alexia nodded, understanding Lucía's decision. "I understand. Sometimes our priorities change and lead us down unexpected paths. But I'm sure that when she grows up, she'll appreciate the time and love you dedicate to her."

Lucía nodded with a smile, grateful for Alexia's understanding. "That's right. I don't regret my decision. Family is important to me, and even though I miss football, I know I've chosen the right path by being close to Alessia."

Noa, who had been listening attentively, interjected once again with enthusiasm. "And even though Lucía doesn't play football anymore, we always find excuses to organize matches with friends and have a good time. Would you like to join us sometime, Alexia?"

Alexia smiled at the invitation. "Of course! I would love to play with you."

They exchanged phone numbers and agreed on the time and place for their meeting. Alexia felt a surge of excitement as she looked forward to getting to know Lucía better and exploring where this encounter could lead


This is actually the first fanfic I write in English, I have the Spanish version in my profile so I will try to post both at the same time :)

Match day ~ Alexia PutellasWhere stories live. Discover now