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Hello! By the time I publish this, you'll already be able to read the first chapter of my new story. I hope you like it!


Upon waking up, Lucía felt the warmth of the first rays of sun filtering through the curtains. Alessia still slept peacefully, and Alexia, already awake, greeted her with a smile as she woke up.

"Good morning, beautiful," Alexia greeted softly.

Lucía returned the smile, grateful for such a tranquil and affectionate moment.

"Good morning. How did you sleep?"

"Better than ever. Your daughter is a little sleeping angel."

Both chuckled, enjoying the relaxed atmosphere of the morning. They decided to prepare breakfast together, sharing the task of making coffee and preparing something light to eat.

As they had breakfast, the conversation flowed naturally. Alexia shared anecdotes from her childhood, and Lucía talked about the small joys and challenges of being a single mother.

"I love hearing you talk about Alessia. It's clear how much you love her."

"She's the best thing that has happened to me. Although it's not always easy."

Alexia nodded, admiring Lucía's dedication as a mother.

"I'd like to get to know you more, Lucía. Not just as the amazing mother you are, but as the woman behind all of that."

Lucía smiled, feeling a deeper connection with Alexia.

"I would love to share more with you. It's not always easy to open up, but with you, everything flows naturally."

After breakfast, they decided to take a walk around the neighborhood. Alessia enjoyed the stroll in her stroller, observing the two older ones who smiled at her.

They walked together, sharing laughter and confidences. Lucía learned more about Alexia's life, her dreams, and her passions outside of football. The connection between them grew, fueled by authenticity and complicity.

Arriving at a nearby park, they decided to sit on the grass with Alessia on a blanket spread out on the ground. The day unfolded peacefully, full of laughter and special moments.

"Lucía, there's something I want to tell you," Alexia began with a certain seriousness.

Lucía looked at her attentively, anticipating her words.

"Yesterday was an incredible day, and I can't stop thinking about how lucky I am to have you in my life. I want you to know that I don't just see you as the incredible mother you are but as someone very special to me."

Alexia's gaze revealed sincerity and affection. Lucía, excited, felt her heart beating strongly.

"I also feel something very special with you, Alexia. I don't know how to explain it, but since we met, everything has been different."

Without hesitation, Alexia took her hand, creating a tangible bond between them.

"Lucía, do you want to be my girlfriend? I'm not in a rush, but I would love to explore what's between us."

Lucía's response was a smile full of complicity.

"I would love to, Alexia. I don't know what the future holds, but I'm willing to discover it with you."

The sunlight seemed to intensify at that moment, as if nature itself were celebrating the connection blossoming between them. Alessia, unaware of the adult conversation, looked at them happily from the blanket, her infectious laughter serving as the perfect soundtrack to that magical moment.

Alexia brought her face close to Lucía's and sealed the agreement with a gentle kiss. It was a kiss full of promises and emotions. Lucía felt as if she were floating on a cloud of happiness, with the certainty that something special was unfolding.

They spent the rest of the day enjoying their new reality. The park was filled with laughter, games, and knowing looks. Alessia, perhaps not fully understanding the change, responded to the positive atmosphere with her radiant innocence.

As the evening approached and the sky painted itself in warm hues, they decided to return to Alexia's home.

After a day full of emotions, Lucía and Alexia found themselves in the living room, enjoying the quiet of the night. Alessia, nestled in her crib, began to show signs of hunger.

"Would you mind if I give Alessia her bottle?" Alexia asked, looking at Lucía with tenderness.

"Of course not! Come, I'll help you," Lucía responded, grateful.

They headed to the kitchen to prepare the bottle. Lucía explained Alessia's routine to Alexia, who listened attentively, determined to do everything correctly.

Back in the living room, Alexia settled on the couch with Alessia in her arms. Lucía, smiling, took the opportunity to pull out her phone and capture that sweet moment. The dim light of the lamp illuminated the scene as Alexia carefully held the bottle, and Alessia eagerly took it.

"Done!" Alexia exclaimed proudly when Alessia finished her bottle.

Lucía, excited, approached and gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek.

"You're a natural at this. Alessia adores you."

"And I adore her," Alexia responded with a smile.

Unable to contain her joy, Lucía took a photo with her phone, immortalizing that moment of complicity between them.

"I hope we can have many more moments like this together," Alexia said, looking at the photo on Lucía's phone.

"I hope so too. Today has been an incredible day."

With the photo as a tangible reminder of a day full of changes and new experiences, Lucía and Alexia shared a gaze full of promises for the future.

They decided to have something quick for dinner once Alessia was in her crib. They cooked together in the kitchen, sharing laughter and anecdotes as they prepared something simple.

Already having had dinner, they went upstairs, carrying Alessia between laughs and soft whispers to avoid waking her. The little one was calm in Alexia's arms, her curious eyes watching the two women who cared for her with so much love.

They settled on the bed, Lucía holding Alessia's pacifier and gently caressing her head.

With a tender gesture, Alexia began to sing a soft lullaby. The room filled with the melody, and little by little, Alessia's eyes began to close.

Lucía watched with admiration, feeling deep gratitude for having Alexia in her life and sharing those intimate moments with her daughter. When Alessia finally fell into a deep sleep, they carefully placed her in the crib, making sure she was comfortable and tucked in.

They lay down together on the bed, sharing a comforting silence. The tiredness of a day full of emotions began to set in, but so did the happiness of having built something beautiful together.

With a sigh of satisfaction, Lucía leaned in and gave Alexia a gentle kiss on the forehead.

"Thank you for everything today. It's been perfect."

"No, thank you for allowing me to be part of this day. I'm happy to be here with you and Alessia."

Lucía smiled and stroked her cheek. "Well, let's get some sleep; tomorrow, the queen has a game."

Alexia chuckled softly. "You'll come, right?"

"Of course, I'm not going to miss the game where you win the league."

They settled in together, embracing each other gently. The dim light of the room caressed them as they let themselves be carried away by fatigue, feeling the serenity that only genuine love and connection can provide. And so, with the promise of many more days ahead, they drifted into the restful sleep that awaited them.

Match day ~ Alexia PutellasWhere stories live. Discover now