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On the following day, Lucía woke up with a smile she couldn't hide. She reminisced about every moment from the previous day, from the game to the farewell at her doorstep. The image of Alexia gently kissing her still lingered in her mind, filling her with a warm glow.

She got up carefully not to wake the little one sleeping peacefully in her crib. While preparing breakfast, her phone buzzed with a message from Alexia.

"Good morning, Lucía! How are you? Ready for the game?"

Excitement surged again in Lucía. She quickly replied, expressing her enthusiasm to spend more time with Alexia.

She went upstairs to get her daughter Alessia, who opened her curious little eyes, smiled, and was lifted gently, her face covered in small kisses that elicited giggles from the little one.

After a diaper change and a quick dressing, Lucía made sure Alessia was comfortable and ready for the day. Noa, already prepared, waited at the door.

"Let's go, girls, today is a special day!" Lucía announced, feeling the excitement vibrate in her voice.

They walked to the stadium with Alessia in the stroller, the atmosphere charged with anticipation as they headed towards the stands designated for family and friends.

The initial whistle marked the beginning of the game, and Lucía's eyes lit up watching Alexia in action. The skill and passion she displayed on the field left Lucía in awe.

The stadium echoed with the cheers of fans, and Noa kept cheering. Alessia, on the other hand, slept in her stroller, oblivious to the match.

When the game came to an end, Lucía and Noa headed to the locker room. Tension hung in the air, but so did the excitement of victory. Upon opening the door, they were greeted by a group of happy and exhausted players.

"Alexia! Great game!" Noa exclaimed, infecting everyone with her enthusiasm.

Alexia, with a radiant smile, approached them.

"Thanks, Noa. I'm glad you're here."

Lucía nodded, proud of Alexia's performance and the team.

"You were amazing, reina."

Alexia gave her a complicit look. As the players shared hugs and laughter, Alexia picked up the little one who had already woken up.

"You two are beautiful," Lucía approached Alexia with a smile, and the captain boldly kissed the young mother.

"Thanks for coming, really."

Lucía smiled, feeling love and gratitude in every word and gesture. In that moment, as they shared the joy of the moment, Lucía knew that these special days would continue to be treasures in her memory, filled with love, laughter, and the magic of soccer.

With Alessia in her arms, Lucía lovingly watched Alexia approach her teammates, eager to introduce the little one.

"Girls, I want you to meet someone very special. This is Alessia, Lucía's daughter," Alexia proudly announced, holding Alessia for everyone to see.

The players approached with smiles and expressions of tenderness, admiring the little one who carried the magic of innocence.

"Hello, Alessia!" Patri exclaimed, extending her arms to gently caress the baby's head.

"You're so adorable!" Irene commented, smiling as she interacted with Alessia.

The atmosphere in the locker room changed, becoming even more welcoming. Alessia, though unaware of the magnitude of the moment, responded with giggles and adorable gestures, capturing the hearts of the players.

Match day ~ Alexia PutellasWhere stories live. Discover now