Stinkmeaner Strikes Back

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"Riley said he was in the restroom taking pictures for some profile. I guess he is still in there." Alexis says as Huey goes over and opens the bathroom door.

"Hey Granddad I.. Yea I can come back later." Huey says as he makes a disgusted face.

"Boy what's the matter with you? Get over here and take this picture." Granddad says as he hands Huey a camera.

"Hey Alexis don't come in front of the door." Huey says as Alexis stops as she goes to go over closer to him.

"Why?" Alexis asks.

"You don't wanna know." Huey says as Alexis backs away from the door a bit.

"Wait Alexis is here? Boy get in here and close the door." Granddad says as he pulls Huey in the bathroom before shutting the door as Riley goes in with some clothes before quickly coming out looking sick.

"What is wrong with you?" Alexis asks.

"Granddad just took his underwear off to change into his leopard print underwear." Riley says as he stops and looks at Alexis.

"Ew! Okay I did not need to know that! That is majorly revolting knowledge that is gonna take me forever to forget." Alexis says disgusted.

"You asked." Riley says.

"I asked what was wrong with you not what your grand father was doing." Alexis says annoyedly as Riley snickers at her.


"I just can't shake the feeling Alexis. I know Granddad said not to worry but something just doesn't feel right." Huey says as he is standing under his spot under a tree with Alexis.

"Well I would just trust yourself. If you think something is up then keep you're guard up for now. Besides you're Granddad sounded a little preoccupied with his earlier activities.." Alexis says.

"But Stinkmeaner is dead. How can he be back?" Huey asks as he looks to his other side and continues speaking to nothing.

"Huey who are you talking to?" Alexis asks before Huey looks at her.

"Don't worry about it. It's nothing." Huey says as he looks at Alexis.

"Look how about we head back to your place? I can make us some chamomile tea. It'll help calm the nerves." Alexis says kindly.

"Thanks.." Huey says as he and Alexis begin to walk back.


"Look Granddad I'm really worried about-" Huey shouts before his granddad cuts him off as he runs inside his house and over to his Granddad as he is spreading flower petals on the floor.

"Watch it boy! Don't step on my roses." Granddad says as Huey looks at him.

"For your date I'm assuming?" Alexis asks as she hears music playing.

"Correct cutie pie." Granddad says as he smiles.

"Anyway I know this is gonna sound crazy but I really think Stinkmeaner is-" Huey then gets cut off by Granddad.

"Oh hush boy! I ain't got time for that. Now it's date night and you know the rules. Get in that room and stay in that room. I don't care if you feel the house shake like an earth quake. You. Don't. Leave. Now get. Alexis you stay in room too. If you're gonna be here you need to follow the same rules." Granddad says as Huey walks off with a defeated look.

"Trust me Mr. Freeman I get what you mean. I won't come out of the room. Don't exactly want to hear or see anything else I can't unsee." Alexis says as she quickly follows after Huey.

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