Stinkmeaner 3: The Hateocracy

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"You know what's going on?" Huey asks as he meets up with Alexis and Riley in the school hallway.

"They said our aunt and uncle came to pick us up. Came to pick Alexis up too." Riley says.

"Which is pretty odd because I don't even know any of your relatives but your Granddad. That and my aunt would of let me know if I was to leave with you two and your family for some reason." Alexis says.

"Aunt and uncle? Man something's not right. Come on let's go." Huey says gesturing for Alexis and Riley to follow him.

"Yo where we going?" Riley asks as the group go outside.

"I don't know but we getting outta here." Huey says.

"Who in the world are they?" Alexis asks as the three stop seeing an old man and woman a couple yards away.

"Well well well. We came a long way to kill y'all little nigglettes. Now it's time for the big bonanza." The man says.

"You know what this is suckers!" The old woman says as she gets into a fighting stance.

"Yo! You see these two old ass niggas?" Riley asks as he laughs.

"Come on!" Huey shouts as he grabs Alexis and Riley before running with them.

"Yo why we running?" Riley asks before the two elderly people jump in front of them.

"Damn those two can jump." Alexis says before the three begin to fight with the two elderly strangers eventually ending up with the attackers fleeing due to the school bell ringing and kids being released.


"Why lord why? I can't believe this is happening again. Who are these people and where did they come from." Granddad asks as the group is sitting in the living room tired from their recent encounter.

"I have no idea but they are a serious problem regardless." Alexis says.

"Well there's somewhere we might be able to get answers." Huey says as he gets the laptop before going onto the internet.

"Wikipedia?" Alexis asks seeing him go to wikipedia to get some answers.

"Okay let's see here. Old and blind. Meanest human being ever. Killed by Robert Freeman. Came back from the dead. Wait! Look at this. In his younger years, Colonel Stinkmeaner belong to a crew of violent hoodlums known as Hateocracy." Huey says as he reads on about who the attackers are and why they are there.

"Oh this is terrible! What did I do to deserve this!?" Granddad asks as he sits back in his chair.

"You killed a nigga." Riley says bluntly.

"What that got to do with anything!?" Granddad asks as he looks at Riley.

"Eventually they will find out where you guys live along with me and my aunt. They aren't gonna stop Mr. Freeman. Something needs to be done before someone gets severely hurt or worse. They've already attacked us once. They'll likely do it again and won't stop until they're either dead or satisfied." Alexis says.

"Alexis is right. We need protection. But there's only one person who can help us now." Huey says.


"How was your flight uh Mr. Brown? First class was comfortable I hope." Granddad says as the group is looking at Oprah's bodyguard Bushido Brown sitting on the couch.

"Your time is running out. What's the job?" Bushido Brown asks.

"There's some people out to get us. We need protection around the clock." Huey says.

Loving A Freeman The Boondocks Huey X OC Alexisحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن