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              "Do you think we'll learn anything new, Bella?" Bella bit her lip a little as she watched Pinocchio balancing on some loose bricks. "I don't know, Pinocchio. We've been learning Shakespeare for a while now." She flipped to a sonnet in her book, written by Shakespeare. "Did you memorize, your sonnet Pinocchio?" "I think so, but I'm kind of nervous." "I don't think you are. If you could sing and perform on stage in front of a large audience, then this isn't no difference." They finally reached town square, where the school was situated. They made it just in time to line up with the other young boys and girls.

Class began a few moments after, Pinocchio hated mathematics and also didn't like science either. But those two classes were always first, then they painted clay bowls. He liked this part of the day, and then was snack time. They were given cheese and nuts, with a side of milk. Finally, it was lunch where they all ate pasta. Pinocchio was more tired than he was hungry, mainly because he had woken up so early the night before. Bella waited patiently by the tree outside of their school for Geppetto while, Pinocchio flipped through his schoolbook.

He yawned, as the sun rays beamed on his skin, caressing his face. Jiminy watched the two as he had promised Geppetto that he would. Another successful day of being a conscious. He didn't know if Pinocchio needed him as much anymore but was glad to still watch over him and advise him whenever he wanted to know something. He was an old soul, a soul that's seen many different things.

He spotted Geppetto walking towards the school and smiled warmly to himself. "Pinocchio, Bella!" Geppetto called for them. "Yes, father?" Pinocchio came to him eagerly, holding his schoolbook at his side. "We are going home now, and we have to open the shop." He said, looking at Pinocchio. Pinocchio beamed, holding his father's arm. Geppetto chuckled, ruffling his hair. Bella watched, feeling a little left out, but she didn't mind it. She knew the two were very close. Not only that, Geppetto was kind enough to let her into his home. A complete stranger. She sighed and smiled. "What should we eat for dinner tonight?" Geppetto asked on their walk back. "Can we have Pizza, father?" "Again, Pinocchio. We've had Pizza last night." He laughed. Pinocchio did puppy dog eyes and whimpered like one. "Okay, alright. We'll have Pizza for tonight." Geppetto said, giving in to his son's cuteness. "Freshly oven baked, with extra olives. Just the way you like it Bella." "Thank you signore." She could never get too sick of Pizza, although Pinocchio seemed to want to eat it almost every day.

When they arrived home, it was a quarter to three, and Jiminy had finally caught up with the trio. Geppetto switched his closed sign to open and picked up a broom and began to sweep. He knew it'll be another busy day. He looked at the picture of his son, Elio. He seemed to be staring up at him, proudly on the mantel. He was surprised that only two costumers showed up today, until he heard that dreadful knock at the door. Geppetto sighed, seeing the gray-haired man. Signore Lorenzo. "Father, who's that?" Geppetto felt his hands sweat. "Just go to your room son, take Bella with you and don't make a sound." Bella and Pinocchio exchanged worried glances. The two went inside of Pinocchio's bedroom and closed the door. Jiminy hopped onto the dining room table, hiding behind the flower vase.

Geppetto straighten out his shirt, took a deep breath, and opened the door. "Greetings, signore." "Buongiorno, to you, signore Lorenzo." Geppetto tilted his hat. "Well, are you just going to let me stand out here in freeze?" "Of course not, come in." Lorenzo looked around, checking for dust. He flicked the dust off his finger and sat in a chair, while Geppetto made him some tea. Once the tea was made, Lorenzo took a sip and sat it back down. "Well, I'm much obliged thank you." "You're certainly welcome, any time." Lorenzo half-hear "The taxes, Geppetto." Geppetto froze. "T-the taxes, oh I didn't think, you know the taxes would be due so soon." "You do have the money right?" "I... Business has been slow. I apologize for that, but I will have the money for you soon, when you come back." "Geppetto, I wouldn't want to permanently close your toy shop, we wouldn't want that would we?" "No." Geppetto looked down, defeated. "Well then I'll give you two weeks tops to come up with the money. No more than two weeks, understood?" "Yes, signore." He walked out as quickly as he came., shutting the door behind him.

"Geppetto, what are we going to do?" Asked Jiminy, walking up to him. He placed a small hand on Geppetto's arm. "I don't know, I'll have to think of something soon. The toy shop isn't as popular as it once was." He looked over to Figaro who rolled over playfully on the living room rug. Pinocchio heard everything. He was quiet and well-behaved. But he worried deeply about his father. 

Pinocchio: The sequelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora