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    During the night of the execution. Pinocchio's mother tried to testify. But the court have already decided the fate of the case. Her son... She never would've have known. "Pinocchio, you don't have to do this." Geppetto tried to sound more urgent with his words. Pinocchio couldn't look at him while he stood on the box, his legs feeling more and more like liquid because of his restraints. The guard in the mask, had a rope ready as the other one tied the rope into a noose on the try. Pinocchio shouldn't cry. He knew it. But no matter, Geppetto's pleads for him to run, or despite his mother sobbing furiously in the corner, his father... at least by birth looking down. The whole village seemed to be there. 

    Pinocchio's hands went white and his face cold, like death, was coming for him earlier. He bit his lip as the judge reread over the case. He knew... the penalty. The court was not an easy one to sway, even for the slightest crimes. "Pinocchio!" He heard Jiminy, but he was crushed by a nearby wagon, Pinocchio could only hope that he was alright. He didn't want to think about death, his parents... Geppetto. But those were the only things that seemed to go on as Lorenzo drilled on and on about why they were taking his life.

    Pinocchio tried not to care, he didn't care that they were going to pull it, and with one pull he'd be gone. He did try to pray a little... but he didn't know what he could say. At least, he prayed it wouldn't hurt. He could feel the soreness of his neck already. "Father! Stop! What are you doing?" He remembered that voice. It sounded familiar, he happened to glance at a boy with fiery red hair. Lampwick? How did he? "Lampwick, why aren't you home?" Lorenzo stepped down, to cross the crowd in order to get to him. But Lampwick stepped back. "Let him go, he did nothing." "Lampwick, not here. You dare listen to the voice of your mother and run away into the woods? You're better off staying there for good." 

       "No. I will not stay anywhere, not. Unless you let him go." He laughed cruelly. "You won't comply either then, then I think you should know what happens when you don't comply." He snapped his fingers, and two men tossed Lampwick's mother's lifeless body out in front of the crowd, everyone gasped in horror. "YOU KILLED HER?" Lampwick's face turned beet red. "Don't test what I'd do." He sounded so lifeless saying those things. Lampwick huddled next to his mother's body when he sharply turned to look for Pinocchio.

     "As of you, boy, you think you are a sly one. No one here will save you." He ordered the guard holding the ropes, two do the deed. But was stunned when he felt something piercing through his body. Lorenzo stumbled forewords a bit, shoving the guard out the way and pulling the rope himself. Pinocchio could feel his life flashing through his eyes, and he watched Lorenzo slump over dead. He did get a glimpse of Lampwick holding a blade, breathing heavily. He went up to Pinocchio, and sliced the rope, and Pinocchio fell onto the ground, hard where he felt like he broke something. Geppetto was the first to run up to him, whispering his gratitude. Pinocchio coughed a little, as the air slowly started to renter his lungs. His lips were dry, and his throat ached. "You saved me?" Pinocchio managed to croak. Lampwick half smirked. "Don't mention it." "I should though." Pinocchio sat up slowly, he went over to Jiminy as the crowd started to clear. Jiminy was crushed alright. But he was still moving a bit. "Jiminy, let's get him home. Let's all go home." Pinocchio said, looking at the group left. 

Pinocchio: The sequelDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora